Example sentences of "do [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Even when things warmed up , it was n't really done to comment on what was provided .
2 It does n't do to worry about oneself , does it ?
3 Nor would it do to come to too many conclusions on the evidence of yesterday 's romp in the sun on a well-grassed but hard pitch .
4 It was all Julie could do to concentrate on driving , as she listened incredulously to the chain of events her sister recounted .
5 This was not only a matter of pride but was also done to conform to the old City by-law which called for the cleansing of pavements by 3 p.m. each day .
6 And the work that France has done to escape from the tyranny of oil has already begun to pay handsomely .
7 ‘ Anything we can do to help with young Wilson ?
8 I am happy to say that my officials will be meeting representatives from the company tomorrow to see what ECGD can do to help in the present confused economic position in the Soviet Union .
9 Well another survey was done to look at these people at the top and see how they 're coping , and a big surprise .
10 As my right hon. Friend prepares himself for the important meeting with President Yeltsin later this week in London , will he take the opportunity of seeing what can be done to deal with the massive threat which still exists from all the different independent Russian states ?
11 All the reports I had done to do with my mental state have all said that I 'm not crazy , and yet I was diagnosed as a psychopath and bunged in Broadmoor .
12 ( b ) What can you do to deduce from the fact that at s.t.p. 22.4 dm of carbon dioxide contain rather more than ( c ) ( i ) State Graham 's law of diffusion. ( ii ) The ratio of the rate of diffusion of a gas Y to that of nitrogen was to be 0.366 .
13 Meanhwile Henry Skelton 's mother believes there 's very little the university authorities can do to deal with drug-taking
14 A common set of robust application programming interfaces for graphical user interfaces and networking would do to start with says UI , which it believes it could get most of the community to commit to , even if each has a different implementation ( UX No 391 ) .
15 Ms Clark conceded that there was ‘ little you can do to compete with the discount offered by School Book Fairs ’ , but urged booksellers to ‘ show the teachers your advantages ’ .
16 It was all she could do to scramble behind trying to keep up with the long , impatient strides .
17 In explanation Van Valen put forward what he termed the Red Queen 's hypothesis , named after the Lewis Carroll character who found it took all the running one can do to keep in the same place .
18 It would n't do to cry in front of him .
19 What can be done to shift from pseudo-questions to those which genuinely invite an answer ?
20 What can be done to shift from closed questions to those which encourage children to reflect and solve problems rather than recall tow-level information ?
21 They refused to examine particular complaints or cases , did not examine branch files and did not interview rank-and-file officers ; in other words , they did none of the things that would have had to be done to get at the truth .
22 All right , so it 's a mystery , and there 's not a lot you can do to get to the heart of it yet , but you do n't have to let it get to you .
23 This year , I have been having a series of informal discussions with Church leaders , the voluntary sector , leading members of the police , probation and prison services , magistrates and others to consider what we can do to get at the roots of criminality .
24 It would n't do to get in their line of flight : you 'd be sure to get stung .
25 Brett cited SERC 's announcement that the nuclear structure facility at Daresbury is to be closed in December 1992 , as evidence of the damage being done to research in the UK by underfunding .
26 Is there anything I can do to safeguard against this ?
27 They identify aspects of grief and restitution , the need to feel secure and confident that all that can be done has been done to recompense for earlier losses , and that one has a safe confidante somewhere in the situation .
28 It is by no means uncommon for exploratory social research in an area where little work has been done to begin by looking at the characteristics of people involved .
29 ‘ What must we do to travel with you ? ’ asked Taliesin , and for a moment Fael-Inis did not reply .
30 Despite the scale and depth of change little was done to prepare for new demands of management .
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