Example sentences of "do [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Though the hall 's notoriously unhelpful acoustic is reflected in the relatively dry sound , the Teldec engineers have done wonders in giving it not only a fair bloom but in conveying an extreme dynamic range .
2 Thou hast done wonders in a little time , not only made a rake a husband but thou has made a rake a preacher .
3 The company has done deals in France and China already and will soon have Unix System Technology structures set in Mexico , Canada and Australia .
4 I am happy to say that my officials will be meeting representatives from the company tomorrow to see what ECGD can do to help in the present confused economic position in the Soviet Union .
5 I was gon na do look in that did you say you looked in that Argos book for darts did you , or ?
6 In explanation Van Valen put forward what he termed the Red Queen 's hypothesis , named after the Lewis Carroll character who found it took all the running one can do to keep in the same place .
7 It would n't do to cry in front of him .
8 Granted that one is clear about that , the fact that relevant statements of what human beings can and can not do come in various strengths is not so important .
9 It would n't do to get in their line of flight : you 'd be sure to get stung .
10 Brett cited SERC 's announcement that the nuclear structure facility at Daresbury is to be closed in December 1992 , as evidence of the damage being done to research in the UK by underfunding .
11 We 're gon na do cubing in a minute , do a few exercises on cubing .
12 Orgel has also done experiments in which no enzyme was provided .
13 And er they have got it now to a state of what I would imagine almost perfection , and that is that every man , woman and child of the population of those two countries er has got adequate protection and even a woman er who wishes to go out and do shopping in the contaminated er environment has the possibility of , of suiting up and putting a special er cover on the pram of her child and actually pushing this child with a special ventilator out .
14 Indeed , it has seemed of recent times , that all England needed to do to win in Dublin was just to turn up .
15 what did you want to do go in a central caravan or what ?
16 It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world , without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace … there must be some agreement among the countries of Europe as to the requirements of the situation and the part those countries themselves will take in order to give proper effect to whatever action might be undertaken by this government .
17 We know some of the things , er most of the things , in fact , that we need to do to think in terms of consideration .
18 Instead of the well to do investing in in shares and that .
19 I am sure you will agree that it is in the best interests of the traditions of our society that there should be these circumspect checks and controls on what a public authority is permitted to do to interfere in the private lives of individuals , but at the same time it does make it difficult to act promptly and , in certain cases , and this must be one of them , one can only regret the outcome . ’
20 er actually a lot of his film is fairly quietly , he was n't doing shouting in Zulu
21 Suddenly a dog flung itself at me snarling and growling and they all stopped what they were doing to look in my direction .
22 It is fair to say that this view is controversial : certainly Grinsell remains strictly factual , but the Bords support this explanation and in so doing follow in the footsteps of John Michell , Tony Wedd , and earlier writers of the 1930s .
23 Those are the benefits of doing shopping in Chislehurst High Street are they ?
24 Like one that on a lonesome road doth walk in fear and dread , Tasha sang on her Ancient Mariner Mambo album , and having once turned round walks on , and turns no more his head ; because he knows a frightful fiend doth close behind him tread .
25 ‘ I do think in the last couple of months he 's gone too far .
26 If we do think in this unilinear way , we will be inclined to dismiss or devalue evidence that is important for our understanding of language history , just as some of our predecessors have done .
27 erm enjoy living on my own , and I would n't really want to enter into another what I felt was a very oppressive relationship really erm because erm I do n't think there are very many men who do think in terms of equality within erm within erm partnerships and within relationships within marriages .
28 Those children who do stay in school , but who feel they are failing , invariably have a disruptive influence .
29 Others do stay in care for a long time .
30 When my Noble Friend er produced the Bill of the first er er case and it went er came to secondary reading , your Lordships did explain in no uncertain terms of the various matters about which your Lordships were concerned .
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