Example sentences of "do [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sayeth the protector — and pray God he may be a protector ! — that the king doth lack a playfellow ? ’
2 One description of the typical witch declares as highly suspect ‘ women which be commonly old , lame , blear-eied , pale , fowle and full of wrinkles ; poore , sullen , superstitious , and papists ; or such as knowe no religion : in whose drousie minds the divell doth goten a fine seat ’ .
3 What happened was that we began to do all kinds of things that are normally done to support a tour that you farm out , but we used to do it in-house , so we had our own publicity department , our own travel department — we booked our own flights and our own hotels , we did n't use a travel agency .
4 Most of this work has been done using a standard binocular light microscope with variable ×8 to ×40 magnification , but extensive use has also been made of the scanning electron microscope .
5 When it is necessary to print a copy of a document , this is done using a standard laser printer of the type already found in many offices .
6 The test was done using a 16-mile loop of glass fibre , lasers , amplifiers and filters to prove that solitons can provide the key to future ultra-high capacity transmission .
7 This may be done using a frequency distribution from a domain corpus .
8 The micropipettes are easy to pull by hand using 1.2 mm tubing ( Section 5.3.6 ) although an electrode puller can be used and the squaring and polishing is done using a microforge .
9 BELOW Clearing the modern deposits from an archaeological site is often done using a machine , with an archaeologist keeping watch in case anything is uncovered by the machine .
10 This can be done using a number of different comparisons :
11 Drawings of each species were done using a Wild M-5 stereomicroscope with drawing tube .
12 This means that resonant photoionization offers no particular advantages and photoelectron spectroscopy is best done using a monochromatic light source with more than sufficient energy to ionize the electrons of interest .
13 The estimation of call values can now be done using a hand-held calculator .
14 In nine patients with chronic diarrhoea and severe failure to thrive a proximal small intestinal biopsy was done using a pediatric twin port biopsy capsule after obtaining informed consent .
15 Extraction of PAF from cells was done using a previously described method with some modifications .
16 An oesophagogram done using a water soluble contrast ( Gastroconray ) showed a minor leak from the oesophagus .
17 When a run was done using a lexicon without letter names , the number of paths produced was a few orders of magnitude less than when these words were included.2 Similarly function words could be treated differently from content words .
18 This can be done using a FOR …
19 Unfortunately , this needs 2 command lines and must be done using a CLI command file .
20 What exactly did I do to deserve a so-called friend like you ? ’
21 Concerning the question of enhancing the role of the institutions of the Community , the Foreign Secretary made the point that work was being done to establish a more active role for national parliaments in considering Community legislation in line with the strong tradition of the Westminster and Danish parliaments .
22 The present study was done to establish a dose response relationship for the trophic effect of gastrin on the enterochromaffin like cells by giving exogenous gastrin in graded doses .
23 In London , some of the stories about what pianists would do to secure a tour , a recording contract , a broadcast , had left Mina shattered .
24 ‘ And what have you done to deserve a tip ?
25 Her right hand tingled to smack his arrogant face , but she remembered her drama coach 's advice , consciously releasing her tension in a long , draining breath ; then she said as clearly and cuttingly as she could , ‘ Whatever has Peter done to deserve a rat like you for a brother ?
26 Khrushchev 's dry comment on the Soviet lack of ‘ overkill ’ was : ‘ What good does it do to annihilate a country twice ?
27 All that the plaintiff need do to obtain a restraining order is to show a prima facie , arguable case , and that the public interest in protecting the confidence is not , on the " balance of convenience " test , outweighed by some urgent public interest in publication .
28 That 's why today , even though he won a world title without throwing a punch , he walks tall , convinced everything possible was done to secure a deal with Riddick Bowe .
29 Q. What could the politicians do to create a climate in which you can prosper still further ?
30 But anyway , we created that whole idea that no-one could photograph him , no-one could do do a story on him unless it was going to be a cover story , which was outrageous because he was virtually unknown in America .
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