Example sentences of "they could on " in BNC.

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1 They carried away what they could on their horses in the form of silver and pewter .
2 Not only can they cover a much wider area than they could on their own , but their collective experience assists in finding food .
3 George I had tried , but failed , to end the pernicious practice of the purchase of commissions , which encouraged officers to recoup what they had spent by making what profit they could on clothing and feeding their men or through claiming the pay for ghost-like soldiers who existed only on the nominal rolls .
4 In an analysis of council expenditure , E W Wordley told the FGRA that the majority intended to spend as much as they could on labour ; as a result , bankruptcy was imminent ( SE 27 September 20 ) .
5 Of course , people would do as much as they could on their own , partly because it was n't easy to send for a vet in a faraway place like Baldersdale , which did n't have many telephones , and partly because of the expense .
6 Clifford and another constable who was in the car got down to the foreshore as quickly as they could on the offchance that the man was alive and needed help , but they soon saw that he was n't .
7 None the less , they could on occasion have considerable importance .
8 They slotted them in as best they could on the flat seat backs .
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