Example sentences of "they be like " in BNC.

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1 Some of them are like a lot of old women . ’
2 Mm , some of , a lot of them are like that
3 I mean the majority of them now it 's not even worth them stopping , and I mean , most of them are like in their eighties and not , er eighties and there 's like the amount of damage they 've done
4 He , like many others , was to learn the truth of the Talmud that , ‘ our passions are like travellers : at first they make a brief stay ; then they are like guests , who visit often ; and then they turn into tyrants , who hold us in their power . ’
5 Ramsey replied , ‘ They are like false teeth .
6 Charlie , Avant-Garde stylist of the Year , holds very strong views about client relations and they are like music to the ear .
7 In any case , the ideology of the RCC was that women should not be treated exactly the same as men : women are human beings , and therefore equal to men , but they are also more delicate , more beautiful and gentler — they are like flowers , and should not be compelled to be manlike and false to their nature .
8 But the pollsters have a point when they complain that at election time they are like a doctor asked to make a diagnosis over the telephone .
9 And on a good night the stars would seem to brighten ; if you looked up it was like a clear winter 's night in the city , one of those nights when you find yourself on a dark street , one without streetlamps , and for once you can see that the stars have different colours ; they are like still fireworks .
10 If I may return to my earlier metaphor — you will excuse my putting it so coarsely — they are like a man who will , at the slightest provocation , tear off his suit and his shirt and run about screaming .
11 They are like Cuvier 's heel-bone , a minute particle of the whole from which the entire anatomy of the terrestrial animal can be reconstructed .
12 They are like magnets , drawn to those parts of your body that need healing . ’
13 They are like a small major and they understand some of the things we are talking about .
14 For the trolley orderlies they are like a quick dash with a rickshaw down a Singapore street .
15 They are like scrolls unrolling , only softer , and with an aspect of newborn creatures whose flesh is still crumpled from the matrix of the womb .
16 Sadness comes from the incessant playing of the primeval recordings of the mind ; and these recordings are not noise alone but they are like films of horror .
17 Each image is like a candle and it is for us to embroider our minds so that they are like the constellations of the heavens — Rumi 's harvest of stars .
18 Surely they are like stubble ;
19 Yet they are like the cases which follow in that they do not directly ask the trustee to do anything , but none the less cause an obligation under trust to arise in him .
20 There has always been bad blood between these families but now they are like two stiff-legged hunting-hounds who circle each other with hackles raised and teeth bared , carefully eyeing each other , ready to launch into war if any move is made by their rival .
21 They are like small chambers ; they were once used by pirates , only His Grace , the late King , cleared them out with fire , sword , and gallows .
22 They are like charts which allow predictions to be made about the likely consequences of taking different courses of action .
23 Sarvodaya and Truth are so interrelated in Gandhi 's thought that they are like two sides of a coin .
24 They are like the two sides of a coin , or rather a smooth unstamped metallic disc .
25 They were portrayed as somebody above us — and once it was seen they are not , everyone could see they are like the rest of us .
26 They are like nowhere else on earth and inspire me to try new things .
27 They are like the personality or spirit of the plant .
28 They are like the newly swept house of which our Lord spoke which was then taken over by more spirits than before ( Matt.
29 They are like patients , who , suspecting that something is seriously wrong , steadfastly refuse to see a doctor in the hope that their troubles will clear up without the need to be told the truth about themselves or undergo painful treatment .
30 They are like children .
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