Example sentences of "with her for " in BNC.

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1 For a while Elaine was cared for by young volunteers who used to come and stay with her for a few months at a time .
2 I 'm so pleased with her for knowing the way I want to hug her .
3 Having met Hermione Farthingale , David lived with her for a year .
4 Francesca sounded rattled and hostile , and McLeish gazed at the wall , wondering if he had really been in love with her for over a year .
5 The first time Jan Doak wore the dolphin suit in meeting common dolphins , one individual bonded with her for over four hours , a rare response from this shy species .
6 These sounds and sights of East Anglia , she felt , would remain with her for the rest of her life .
7 I knew that she now expected me to live with her for the rest of her days .
8 ‘ Only that if you could stay with her for a night or two , I might manage to get over and see you there . ’
9 I have sat with her for hours spooning broth into her and a tedious business it is to make sure any of it goes down .
10 She knew that was one of many memories which would stay with her for the rest of her life .
11 Modigliani moved in to be with her for the last few days and at the end of November Jeanne entered the Nice Maternity Hospital .
12 And now he was stuck with her for two months .
13 He said , ‘ I had been with her for three years , in love .
14 It was now too much at home with her for the response to be triggered .
15 Rose Mundy told me of her continual battle with overweight thighs , a problem that had been with her for as long as she could remember .
16 I offered to go with her for company and safety really , since it was dangerous to go out alone in conditions like that .
17 She was picturing her daughter , her beloved Angel , and as the pony stepped daintily over the cobbles she was counting the minutes until she was with her for the first time in nearly six months .
18 She would make George take her down to the river , or get Billy to run away with her for hours , never fearing the punishment .
19 For days he 'd been in the blackest of moods , furious with her for wasting herself on a man old enough to be her father , and even more furious with himself for not having taken her forcefully after that Christmas evening when he 'd known her feelings were as inflamed as his own .
20 She had never visited him in Oxford before ; he had not been alone with her for years — not since the war , not since London .
21 When she does so , you or another relative could suggest staying there with her for a day or two until she is ready to face the loneliness she has to learn to live with .
22 NEW mum Princess Stephanie has denied reports that the people of Monaco are angry with her for having son Louis outside marriage .
23 ‘ I am honoured by the prince 's interest — but I doubt not it stems from mere curiosity as to my connection with her for whom he has a brotherly fondness . ’
24 She had a sick daughter , a fractious grandchild and a life which needed rethinking , one in which she could , perhaps , occasionally persuade Liza to come to Penzance with her for whatever meagre amusement the place might afford : a film or maybe a concert .
25 He chatted with her for a few minutes , then placed the bag of clothes into the boot of his car , and headed for home .
26 He waited with her for eight hours at the Northampton car park .
27 He waited with her for eight hours at the Northampton car park .
28 When she finally had to put down my old cat Mrs , she said afterwards , ‘ Would you like to stay and be alone with her for a while ?
29 Her reminiscences were a delight to Constance and the things she learned from her friend 's rambling monologues stayed with her for life .
30 By the time she reached Venice , they had had enough : ‘ they would not go with her for a hundred pound ’ , and left her on her own .
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