Example sentences of "you [be] not " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I hope that ye 're not skint , ’ he said .
2 ‘ Ye do n't , ye 're not supposed tae take it personal , ’ he said .
3 ‘ But ye should n't be standing here , if ye 're not a whore , if ye do n't hiv a stickman — it 's dangerous . ’
4 ‘ Ye would n't be speaking tae me if ye were n't half pissed . ’
5 Och away in wi ye Inverdarroch , ease yir feet oot o' yir wellingtons and come ben next tae the fire fur a wee dram , it 's great tae see ye is n't it , Murdo ?
6 If you are n't happy with the service you 're getting from your GP , dentist or optician , then discuss it with them first .
7 If alcohol misuse affects your business , it could mean that you are n't as competitive as you might be .
8 A word of warning : please consult your vet as to exactly what quantity of Eukanuba you should give your Rottweiler each day — it is very easy to put ON weight with Eukanuba if you are n't careful — and the instructions on the bag do suggest you allow your dog to take as much as he wished during the 24-hour period .
9 Such a drug , he suggests , would be not unlike crack , and the poor shmucks who were n't UMC would love it , while those who 'd worked so hard for their privileges would despise the short-cut : you 're either UMC or you are n't , simulacra wo n't do .
10 But even if you are n't another Bowie or Elton John , you still need to try and develop an original style .
11 If you are n't willing to take a risk on your own music , then do n't be surprised if others wo n't either .
12 ‘ It 's very difficult to do because if you are n't careful you just write down a series of platitudes , but I think that a statement of aims and beliefs is very necessary even if it does look platitudinous . ’
13 ‘ But if partners or those around you are n't able to help , then it may be time to seek professional help . ’
14 You are n't real Wombles !
15 ‘ It 's accepted that the towing tractor will stand idle for some of the time , but at least you are n't taking tankers into the field , ’ he adds .
16 You are n't going to hurt Cabochon ? ’
17 I 've got a friend who recently dyed her hair purple because everyone knows you are n't going to get a decent — not to mention interesting — job with a ‘ punky ’ hairstyle , pierced nose and scruffy clothes , and she wants to stay in college .
18 It 's all done in a few seconds , which means it 's even harder for you to fend off the messages ; they go in subliminally , which means you are n't aware of them .
19 ‘ In the name of God you are n't .
20 ‘ Because you are n't married ?
21 Please let me know if you are n't able to come on that day because the security at the Palace of Westminster is very sensitive and if we do n't turn up with the right number of people we could be in trouble !
22 ‘ You see you are n't interested .
23 You are n't .
24 You are n't a good colour .
25 ‘ No you are n't , you 're only reading . ’
26 If you are n't as good as if you were in church , the train wo n't come , and we sha n't go away in it to the ends of the earth .
27 One of the lighter aspects of the tour was the plight of the hamburger salesmen ; lighter moment providing you are n't a hamburger salesman , that is .
28 The secret of success , in my opinion , is to make pars when you are n't playing well .
29 She finished her ladling and pushed the plate of mutton stew and dumplings towards Agnes ; then , the ladle held above the casserole dish , she was about to dip it in again when Agnes said in an offhand manner , ‘ What a pity you are n't a widow , Mother , you could have had dear Henry yourself . ’
30 Because , have no doubt , it is our problem , since , to quote an old saying , ‘ If you are n't part of the solution you 're part of the problem . ’
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