Example sentences of "you [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 yeah , that 's true it does show ya that it can grow though do n't it , not the hair I mean AI AIDS you know if you shave somebody head and got AIDS and you shave his head , he cuts them both , that 's it , two people 's got AIDS just like that .
2 if you 're gon na do that , I 'll tell ya if you switch it off and switch it back on again if , if it 's the problem I think it is it 'll cure it , if it 's which I do n't think it is , it 's the other one that 's incurable
3 I tell ya if you can , if you know anywhere that 's got one
4 Blimey well you could have them on your A speakers and then have yours , just play your surrounds could n't ya if you wanted to do it that way if you want really
5 He has every right to bare his teeth at ye if he wants to . ’
6 that 's what I said to ya and you agreed with me , that 's why I got it it 's inch and half thick er wide , by half inch thick , it 's under there .
7 Miles better probably than the Manager ever anticipated ; he 's delighted they 're up there , I tell ya and you know , it 's my old club and I 'm pleased for them in that way , but I wan na see us finish off well , but pass the ball .
8 Well you know I agree with ya and I think I think
9 I got it somewhere , I 'll root it out for ya and I forgot to see Hilda about that
10 ‘ We 'll hit the high spots , ye and me . ’
11 The truth is , Ah suppose , if ye 've got a berg sailin' down on ye and ye 're trapped in the ice there 's no thickness of steel that will save ye from gettin' crushed .
12 he tends to thump ye Before he tries to hump ye Then
13 I suppose you have bronchitis do n't ya when you 're old
14 To-day , I was a guest at 's First ( of many hopefully ) Nativity Plays … she was a musician … for 3½ yr-olds , they were all very good … & disciplined … which as you & I know is HARD WORK !
15 You remember in France , the er they made you where we kept walking round the table and er she sa , anyway said er fish soup ?
16 ‘ You must go out of this house , ’ said the little grey man , ‘ and call to the West Wind , and show her your key , when she comes , and let her carry you where she will , without struggle or alarm .
17 She 's got you where she wants you , you silly cunt , he thought , watching as Carol slipped one hand onto Plummer 's thigh , stroking gently as he ate .
18 Once a man 's lumbered you with one , he 's got you where he wants you — in the kitchen and in the bed .
19 ‘ Did your driver forget to meet you where he was supposed to ? ’
20 I did not and could not touch you where you wanted to be touched .
21 After his election , he went to the ‘ Milanese ’ church of San Carlo Borromeo and quite openly wept ( why not ? we used to pray for the ‘ gift of tears ’ ) as he quoted the words of Jesus to Peter : ‘ When you were young , you girded yourself and walked where you would ; but when you are old , you will stretch out your hands , and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish to go ’ ( John 21.18 ) .
22 Painted on the walls of a barracks in the last century had been the words , ‘ Legionnaires , you are soldiers in order to die , and I am sending you where you can die . ’
23 It does n't frighten you so much as remind you where you are , " explained a young Barnsley miner .
24 A man , now , he can lay a trap with words , or press a button in his desk and shoot you where you stand .
25 BELVILLE : The carriage shall convey you where you will tomorrow morning .
26 scraped from you where you lay
27 You can either walk , or we can freeze you where you stand and ship you back in a refrigerator . ’
28 ‘ We would bring you where you could not be seen .
29 And now , Ian Wharton , now that you are no longer the subject of this cautionary tale , merely its object , now that you are just another unproductive atom staring out from the windows of a branded monad , now that I 've got you where I want you , let the wild rumpus begin .
30 Look , if it means that much to you where I was … ’
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