Example sentences of "that one need " in BNC.

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1 This strategic information was exceptionally rich , and for the business historian seeking to understand the strategic behaviour of the firm , it contained almost all that one needed to know .
2 Mr Short explains that one needs to choose with care the life company which is taking our pensions premiums but , apart from a favourable mention of Equitable Life 's charges ( the company sponsored the book ) he merely suggests seeking consistent performance .
3 It still remains true that one needs to be very strong-minded to continue without at least some encouragement from other people .
4 He says this is where newcomers to the business can have difficulties , and that one needs to be fairly robust to cope with the pressure .
5 Help for problems in relationships comes from recognising that one needs to learn to go through the pain of disillusion , that follows initial idealisation , in order to reach the enlightenment of a mutually respectful lasting relationship , rather than following the repeated pattern of giving up and then renewing the search for a fresh " ideal " .
6 It is just that one needs to be careful to interpret the segments according to the product strategy being employed .
7 Though they say ‘ a change is as good as a rest ’ I do agree with you that one needs both in order to end up feeling refreshed .
8 Moreover , the more accurately one measures the position , the shorter the wavelength of the light that one needs and hence the higher the energy of a single quantum .
9 The real point that one needs to note is the increase in capital investment in plant and machinery under this Government — It is no good hon. Members shaking their heads .
10 Accordingly , the differences of disciplinary interests mean that one needs to be very careful about the kinds of problems that are being addressed .
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