Example sentences of "that now [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 The place of Britain and the United States in the history of capitalism and the very existence of the TCC that the British and US ( and some other ) capitalist classes helped create , have historically built in the asymmetries and inequalities that now characterize the global system .
2 In accordance with your instructions of the 11th August , plans have been prepared and are herewith submitted for your consideration of a Lift or Slide to take the place of the 10 Locks that now serve as the means for passing the Traffic at Foxton Locks .
3 2 Pipes The right to free passage and running ( subject to temporary interruption for repair alteration or replacement ) of water sewage gas electricity telephone and other services or supplies to and from the Premises in and through the Pipes that now serve the Premises presently laid in on under or over other parts of the Centre and ( if any ) the Adjoining Property ( in common with the Landlord and other persons having a like right ) The tenant should ensure that the grant of a right to use the service media should extend not only to the service media in existence at the date of the lease but also to those which may be provided during the course of the lease , subject of course to the perpetuity provisions .
4 What had been intended as a warning shot across the government 's bows has sunk a government that had given Poland a year of political continuity , maintained budgetary austerity against populist opposition and taken the first steps on two essential reforms that now go into limbo .
5 Metrologie 's DEC business manager , Phil Goodman , said that now TopLog is out on its own there will be no obligation for Metrologie to buy its products .
6 The success of the student management system , and the many subsystems that now pervade the management and administration of the Polytechnic , is built on these close links .
7 Given the requirement that medical evidence has to be served with the proceedings , and given the long waiting lists that now apply for very senior surgeons , it might be a good idea either to get an initial report from the treating surgeon or to use one of the independent physicians mentioned above .
8 ‘ The ancient astronaut theory does seem to represent to many people a solution to the uncertainties that now plague our world .
9 But the very things that make the hay rich are the things that now make it poor .
10 Far removed from the usual tartan kitsch , the Stewarts have combined creativity with a flair for design to produce top-of-the-range products that now sell worldwide .
11 The folly was a gift from the Sultan of Oman , just one of the many presents that now adorn the property .
12 Yet at other points the problem is rather the hijacking of the original message , as in the phenomenal lines : ‘ If the real Jesus Christ were to stand up today/ He 'd be gunned down cold by the CIA/ Oh the lights that now burn brightest behind stained glass/ Will cast the darkest shadows upon the human heart/ But God did n't build himself that throne/ God does n't live in Israel or Rome/ God does n't belong to the ‘ yankee dollar ’ / God does n't plant the bombs for Hezbollah ’ .
13 Clarins is just one of many make-up ranges that now use both these techniques .
14 He 'd danced here on the same legs that now lay dead beneath him , while Sartori had told him how he planned to take this wretched Dominion , and build in its midst a city that would shame Babylon ; danced for sheer exuberance , knowing his Maestro was a great man , and had it in his power to change the world .
15 The change will only apply to the fixed public switched telephone network existing cellular phones and the 0800 services will not be affected — but it will mean reprogramming systems from the simplest memory telephone to the most complex computer-integrated telephony network , and all of the digital exchanges that now cover most of Britian .
16 These include geochemical data that now cover the whole of the North Sea .
17 The development of Clayton 's first course — a guinea fowl terrine with apple , celery and shallot dressing — is typical of many that now come out of kitchen .
18 Does he accept that the Government are reducing to fewer than 300 ships the number of vessels that now sail under the red ensign and that they have treated with utter contempt the red ensign , which has served this country well in times of peace and war ?
19 The Foreign Secretary opened his speech by referring to the monumental events that now surround us .
20 Piquantly , for the caring generation , the desire for natural quality materials has also caused a boom in the leather trade : it is an extremely committed and unusual member of the new elite who can resist the high style leather goods that now abound .
21 Although this commonsense approach is probably used in most mother and baby units , including those that now admit mothers with chronic illness for preliminary assessment and subsequent training in mothering skills , the practice is open to criticism .
22 Organisms of the kind that now live on Earth would die virtually instantly if they were transported beyond its protective cocoon .
23 These include the ‘ archaebacteria ’ that now live in airless marshes .
24 Some of the organisms that evolved the ability to split hydrogen sulphide have left direct descendants , bacteria that now live in environments such as marshes and hot springs .
25 Dancing on the podiums at the Milk Bar 's Friday night club Glam has become a hazardous business , due to the frenzied swaying of the Essex Girls that now monopolise them .
26 And the attraction for them is not the crystal clear images of HDTV , but the prospect of broadcasting up to a dozen channels carrying pictures of today 's conventional clarity over cables or satellite transponders that now carry only one channel , a marvel made possible by digital compression .
27 Running this through the sophisticated computer models for atmospheric chemistry that now exist , the group calculates that some 50 000 tonnes pa of ethane or propane would have to be injected into the stratosphere to mop up the free chlorine created each Antarctic spring .
28 In short , an essential step in the evolution of all the life forms that now exist on Earth , was the co-operation of two quite different kinds of molecule : nucleic acids based on nucleotides , and proteins consisting of amino acids .
29 The Financial Times gave up reporting such trifling information some time back , leaving investors to subscribe to one of the various services that now exist .
30 The techniques of field work in local history and geography , the techniques of using books , reference guides and libraries , the ability to " read " pictures and to assess critically film and television material , as well as to use creatively the various facilities and pieces of equipment that now exist , are valuable facets of the educated individual , and each type of activity offers a possible key to individual confidence and interest in learning .
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