Example sentences of "that we [am/are] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from the basic security arrangements that we 're probably all familiar with by now , he offered some interesting information .
2 ‘ But it 's not Kinnock ; it 's Mr Gorbachev ; the world has come on to our ground and I find that a source of strength , because at least we know that we 're talking about the capitalist system . ’
3 I remember my father saying earlier that we 're going to see a big television .
4 Maybe the next crowd will be better than this mixture of druids and crooks that we 're stuck with . ’
5 ‘ Go and see , Paul , and tell them that we 're busy . ’
6 We 're articulate enough to fool ourselves that we 're nice people , but there 's a strong undercurrent to our thinking that encourages us to view people with a disability as lesser , and until we come to terms with that , we will never have a proper support system .
7 Offering Mr Hurd his support , Mr Michael Heseltine ( C. Henley ) , said : ‘ It 's quite impossible to explain to the Chinese population in Hong Kong that we 're putting their relatives back across the frontier with the mainland day after day , and allowing boat people from Vietnam to remain in Hong Kong . ’
8 I do n't believe that we 're all born equal , as lumps of dough that are later shaped by our peers and parents and so forth …
9 ‘ It 's all so ridiculous that we 're not going to even think about it any more , ’ she said firmly , hiding her fears .
10 That we 're both getting older ?
11 Now that we 're into the Nineties , the agencies have changed tack , and such Eighties ' characteristics as greed , selfishness and sad Paisley ties have become passé .
12 ‘ The work is an incredible carrier of anxiety , ’ John Caldwell , curator for painting and sculpture at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , says of the Biennale piece , ‘ In a pornographic movie , the people never look at the camera because we need to sense that we 're looking through a window , we 're safe , we 're the voyeur .
13 We can all think that we 're not that gullible or stupid ; for instance , I buy most of my things , shampoo and stuff at the Body Shop ( which does n't advertise that way ) because I 'm a vegetarian and I do n't believe in animal testing .
14 ‘ It 's quite true he 's my boyfriend and our relationship is very special , ’ while he countered : ‘ It 's just not true that we 're going out together , or that she 's my girlfriend . ’
15 ‘ We have to be in court on Monday ; he must see that we 're right behind him . ’
16 Now that we 're lovers we 're closer still . ’
17 ‘ Well , for a start , we must try to make Biff understand that we 're people . ’
18 As for the replay , we know that we 're in no way inferior . ’
19 This popular hotel has been such a success with Club 18–30 that we 're delighted to feature it again as our Club Choice for summer ‘ 90 .
20 I want the world to know how things stand , and that we 're being truthful and open and not ashamed or in any way put down .
21 ‘ That does n't mean that we 're any different from other people .
22 ‘ The more Ukrainian records I have bought , the more I have realised that we 're really only dipping into it in a superficial way .
23 That we 're no good . ’
24 We did n't want to pop in else your father would be saying that we 're after selling you a new hat again , knowing your weakness for hats . ’
25 I think that we 're talking about different spheres of television , and within academia , of course , we tend to separate out these spheres .
26 It 's not just that we 're going to write articles about EastEnders , but what we 're interested in is EastEnders , The Bill , Brookside , because a lot of people actually watch these programmes , and there is clearly a way in which programmes do seem to be referencing each other and dealing with similar topics .
27 Once the recession is over , ‘ our feeling is that we 're talking about 10–15 per cent annual sales growth through the decade ’ in chemicals .
28 ‘ Well , anyway , the fact that the whole of Europe is against you shows that we 're fighting for something worth-while . ’
29 But they may find it difficult , they must feel like they 've lost their dignity , the fact that we 're washing them .
30 They tell us what 's been happening on the unit that we 're going to be working on , so that we know what 's been going on for the morning . ’
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