Example sentences of "that she be " in BNC.

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1 Dr Anthony Storr , author of the recently-published Churchill 's Black Dog , in which he showed how senior politicans often turned stresses of up-bringing into strengths , said yesterday : ‘ I 'm interested because the gates must mean that she 's feeling increasingly insecure and threatened in a simple , straightforward way ; and that 's an interesting phenomenum in itself because she 's been so absolutely certain of herself .
2 I 've found the increasing dogmatism and certainty that she 's right the most sinister thing about her because that so often goes with paranoid feelings , and it may be that this is one manifestation of that .
3 Identifying her attitude to the emerging democracies of the Soviet bloc , disarmament , South Africa , the environment , Third World debt , and the EC , Mr Kinnock said : ‘ Margaret Thatcher shows that she 's from the Greta Garbo school of diplomacy .
4 It 's nice that she 's going to send me a letter .
5 ‘ Well , Marie , ’ I say , pretending that she 's sat there listening to me .
6 About Lily , all I know is that she 's not well .
7 On Mrs Thatcher and Europe , he felt she had been ‘ locked in the bunker surrounded by sycophants so long that she 's lost touch with reality .
8 Just that she 's not as daft as she looks . ’
9 Lindy is sharp enough , despite the fact that she 's managed by Keith Chegwin 's brother , a man who also looks after Michela Strachan .
10 Now that she 's working , I 'm left with all the swotty types , the brainboxes , and there 's no one to giggle with about motorbikes and Mr Clarke 's hideous dress sense , and the teachers ' ‘ uniform ’ of one collar tucked in a jumper , the other sticking out .
11 It 's not that she 's said , ‘ No , you must n't wear make-up ’ , but all my friends do , and sometimes I feel strange because I have n't got any .
12 Trivial or shallow , in particular , are criticisms levelled at young women for their concern over their appearance ; one of the worst current insults you can throw at an actress or pop star is that she 's a bimbo — concerned only with her looks and nothing else .
13 ‘ It 's quite true he 's my boyfriend and our relationship is very special , ’ while he countered : ‘ It 's just not true that we 're going out together , or that she 's my girlfriend . ’
14 It is not that she 's a political animal , just someone who has seen a lot of beautiful places in the world ; feels very fortunate to be in such a privileged position because of her successful TV and recording career , and so wants to put a bit back into a world which has so far been very kind to her . ’
15 Anna thinks the safest thing is to hide from the stranger that she 's seen approaching her farm .
16 A second male said , ‘ Women who start families and continue with families do n't appear to go through the system … a woman has to decide that she 's going to be a career-based woman and not a family-based woman .
17 Or is it that she 's like Barbara Hervey ?
18 And one did n't need to be told that she 's unhappy about Alison . ’
19 ‘ I just need to see her , confirm that she 's still alive . ’
20 And I 'll tell them why I took a woman , and that she 's good to me .
21 For Rosemary , the insult on top of all the cruelty is in the fact that forty years had to pass before she was able to find the courage to lift the lid on the private hell that she 's bottled up all those years .
22 ‘ The trouble is that she 's constantly demanding , day and night . ’
23 ‘ Then it 's as well that she 's not here . ’
24 ‘ It seems pretty obvious to me that she 's guilty , ’ he said .
25 Some people who have an elderly parent to live with them are heard to say , ‘ We 're very fond of her of course , but the trouble with Mother is that she 's always there ! ’
26 We do occasionally get calls from people who 've dialled a number listed in one of the ads only to find that it 's wrong — an old lady in Dunfirmline insisting that she 's definitely not selling a Malmsteen Strat — or perhaps giving the ‘ unobtainable ’ tone on a number which does n't exist .
27 She has often darkly alluded to some form of abuse in her own formative years , and there 's a strong sense that she 's singing these songs to someone in particular .
28 Her conclusion , which mark Shearman 's photos support fully , is that she 's relaxed and ready to run against all comers .
29 People say that she 's ‘ so selfless ’ .
30 She must be trying to deal with things in her past that she 's frightened to face , frightened to admit .
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