Example sentences of "that you do " in BNC.

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1 You may in fact find that you do pay some tax in the UK .
2 You may in fact find that you do pay some tax in the UK If you have dividends or receive bank or building society interest on which tax has been paid , tax will have beed deducted at source , and this will enable you to sign a Certificate so that ACET can obtain the advantages of the Gift Aid scheme .
3 And do n't imagine that you are too sick to attend classes that you do n't like .
4 Detective Inspector Milsom said quietly , ‘ Because the doctor laid the first slice of the fillet — the piece that you do n't give to guests — to one side of the carving dish …
5 Thus if you go through a drill of vital actions , or check-list each time , you will ensure that you do not forget any item .
6 Be careful that you do not continue to reject fields at the same time as getting lower and lower until it is too late either to have any selection or to achieve a good approach .
7 Until you are consistently getting the photos you want from inside the photographic sector , you will need to fly some distance beyond the turning point so that you do not have to be in a very steep turn or exactly positioned .
8 There is no shame in saying , ‘ I do n't know but I 'll try to find out ’ , provided that you do ‘ try and find out ’ and report back .
9 It is very important that you do n't become pregnant for at least three months after you have had the vaccination .
10 Just say that you do n't want to do it . ’
11 To compare Raskolnikov 's haymarket with Kim 's bazaar is to see that Kipling has done all the work so that you do n't have to go there to know what it 's like at the level of vivid and varied description , whereas Dostoevsky leaves his reader with an impression which hovers between smell and vapour and dream .
12 ‘ The mystery of the coming of a new creature is a great mystery ad incomprehensible , Mrs Virginsky , and what a pity it is that you do n't understand it . '
13 If you go and see this film I recommend that you do n't eat first .
14 Four to follow in this year 's World Series RICK REUSCHEL ( Giants ) Age : 40 Position : Starting pitcher ( right-handed ) At 240lb and proportioned like a darts player , ‘ Big Daddy ’ is proof that you do n't need to be a super-athlete to succeed .
15 One Officer , his face covered with shaving cream , looked in my direction and remarked , ‘ I hope , Piper , that you do not intend to play those bagpipes here ? ’
16 The elder was contemptuous when the younger replied to his crushing arguments by the reply , the reason why you think like that is that you do n't say your prayers .
17 One is simply that you do n't need to have made a record or done anything very much except earned a local reputation as a watchable band playing original material .
18 The advantage of this scheme is that you do n't need to remember to save the money which you would have paid to the Government later on !
19 He said ‘ In future you 'll wear pyamas and Kamiz to school , and I have heard that you do n't cover your head , though you have been asked to .
20 It 's a hell-raiser with 24-carat cuff-links and rounded vowels , it 's a freshly squeezed orange juice with a large shot of vodka — and like a Mickey Finn , the beauty of the Bentley is that you do n't know quite what you 've let yourself in for .
21 Your son resents his stepbrother for taking up your time , and is worried that you do n't love him any more .
22 Tell him that you do love him , but you will have very little time and energy to show that love while you are forced to worry about where the next meal is coming from .
23 ‘ I do hope that you do n't mind , Bodo , ’ Karl said .
24 ‘ Just you make sure that you do n't miss your bus — and bring your homework back . ’
25 ‘ I hope that you do n't , ’ he said in a tough , menacing voice .
26 This guy just said , ‘ I can bring it here first thing in the morning in a carrier bag , and do n't be clever by saying that you do n't want it . ’
27 Apparently disregarding his offer , she wrote : ‘ We are concerned that you do not consider the above case to be serious enough to warrant a meeting . ’
28 If you are waiting for post-feminists to hasten to your rescue , girding their loins and hairy-leggedly taking on the Viz comics and Dennis Potters of this world on your behalf , I would suggest that you do n't hold your breath .
29 It is a sound maxim that you do not ask the barber whether you need a haircut , and if Prof Paulos is not a wholly disinterested party in matters of numeracy , you will certainly not expect Arno Penzias , a distinguished physicist and vice-president for research at the Bell Telephone Laboratories of AT&T , to be less than sanguine about the remorseless advance of information technology .
30 Someone who gives you advice that you do n't want to hear , but it sinks in anyway .
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