Example sentences of "that might have " in BNC.

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1 Romantic poets were keen to vindicate Chatterton , and to cherish his untimely death as that of a sacrificial victim : here was a spilling of young blood that might have watered the purlieus of a church .
2 There can be no claim that this is what Roth really thinks : the affidavit that might have been contained in The Facts has been withheld .
3 The evening was spent uncomfortably , biting back remarks that might have let the hiding plan slip out prematurely to Allan Stewart .
4 He 's not going to warn Shatov or tell the police , he 's going to make a statement ‘ for general edification ’ — words but no deeds , a turn towards sanity and life that might have been , and a horrific-comic Possessed moment of subtlest art .
5 Lacking a goal that might have altered its chemistry , it remained a matter of dull physics .
6 K-9 ( 12 ) , which stars James Belushi , hints at the less than glittering screen career that might have awaited his elder brother , had he lived .
7 AN INDIAN journalist yesterday accused his editor of suppressing information that might have helped to identify the recipients of millions of dollars in bribes allegedly paid to Indian officials by the Bofors armaments company , a scandal which has caused acute embarrassment to Rajiv Gandhi 's government .
8 In effect we have considered this already ( Chapter 2 ) when we described how delayed retiring times did not tend to be associated with longer sleeps ; it was a rising body temperature that curtailed sleep and over-rode any need for more sleep that might have existed .
9 This is not , perhaps , the best year for Britain to act as host to open the series , for the entry tomorrow is clearly affected by Commonwealth Games training schedules as well as the fact that the English Cross Country Union has not found a sponsor who can provide the money for trust funds that might have enticed more prominent athletes .
10 It 's about collison of cultures in Britain since the end of the war , and it looks at the way that some artists of non-British origin have come to terms with modern art — or , rather , have made a personal art by calling on ways of expression that might have been absolutely native to them in other countries than this .
11 This is not the support that might have been expected for fellow Germans stuck on the communist side after 1945 .
12 The only budget announcement that might have influenced the mid-Staffordshire result was the doubling of the savings limit for those entitled to claim poll-tax relief .
13 In effect , its tight-money policy is intended to bring about a shift in the domestic economy that might have happened in the early 1980s but which kept being postponed .
14 There was a central mark somewhere in the splurge that might have been the impression of a nipple , but he could n't be sure .
15 It was a wind that might have swept the fields of mortality for a thousand centuries .
16 With a shoe clutched in each hand he was unable to make a grab for the rougher stones that might have saved him from disaster .
17 In case you think I am exaggerating I will try to put down on the page the conversation we held this morning , he in his warm office with his eighteenth century paperweight and leggy shit of a secretary and I in a dirty glass-doored box that might have been entered in an exhibition of unusual refrigerators .
18 Bird lime and other dirt obliterated the dusky light that might have made its way through this inadequate fanlight .
19 Frequently when the horses had finished eating they would get the bucket out of the tire and search for any grain that might have spilled underneath .
20 The movement 's historian has described it as ‘ a landmark in Free Church history ’ although he admitted ‘ it did not take hold on the life of the Free Churches in the way that might have been expected ’ .
21 Our pilot was said to be the best on the river , but every now and then there was a shudder as we touched a sandbank ; and there was so little water coming down from Aswan that we only squeezed through the lock at Nag Hammadi by all the passengers crowding into the bows of the Nefertari , while her crew hauled on ropes , chanting a shanty that might have been sung on the sunboats of the pharaohs .
22 The second is that she left to escape all the criticism that might have ensued if she stayed behind .
23 It was this impression that might have cost Labour the marginal seats — especially in London and the South — it needed to make the breakthrough .
24 The establishment has taken over and the more wrong it has proved , the more it has stifled the dissent that might have saved the economy .
25 That left Pitcher undefeated on 32 and the Light Blues to mull over a 133-run defeat that might have been much more comprehensive .
26 perhaps I might , by thy familiar instruction have made some remarks that might have been satisfactory .
27 An invention that might have been made by the chemical industry 50 years previously , was ultimately forced on it from outside .
28 When in August 1988 the overstretched Health Authority belatedly sent out a questionnaire enquiring about symptoms that might have been suffered as a result of drinking the water , one went to 450 ‘ occupants ’ of a graveyard in St Tudy , which happened to have a tap in one corner .
29 Ilya Ehrenburg knew Modi better than most ; he said , ‘ Of course he could have painted portraits that might have pleased the critics and buyers …
30 ‘ This shows that my family owned the land , ’ she said with a simplicity that might have left even a lawyer silent .
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