Example sentences of "that man be " in BNC.

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1 To have such ‘ scientific knowledge ’ of , say , the facts that man is the only animal with a sense of humour , that gold dissolves in aqua regia , or that triangles have angles equal to two right angles , is to know that these things must be so and can not be otherwise .
2 Gould , in fact , saw the objections to tape-editing as being rooted much more deeply in the assumption that man is his own best advocate — the most unwarranted assumption of the post-Renaissance era , Gould adds — with a consequent belief that such technological sleight of hand was , if not immoral , then certainly dehumanizing .
3 The only thing I can do now is to let out a great shout with you , ‘ Ça ira ’ for men and for people , believing that man is a world worth many times the world and that the most ardent ambitions are those which have the pride of Anonymity .
4 Tagore wrote of this poem — ‘ The feeling that man is not a mere casual visitor at the palace-gate of the world , but the invited guest whose presence is needed to give the royal banquet its sole meaning , is not confined to any particular sect in India .
5 It seems far more reasonable to accept the great progress that Christian thinking has brought , while understanding the equally valid Christian teaching that man is a wretched sinner and needs to be changed .
6 The harmony is such that man is even said to live , in a much etherealized condition , for 100,000 years .
7 Furthermore this ‘ biothropic ’ principle , as we referred to it earlier , implies that Man is the ultimate beneficiary of this chain of events .
8 As for the slogan that man is master of his fate , no doubt it has its uses in combating a fatalism which could contract still further the limits within which he can influence the spontaneous by reason and will .
9 Whoever cares for his own safety is lost ; but if a man will let himself be lost for my sake and for the Gospel that man is safe ( Mark 8:35 ) .
10 It was Charles Caleb Colton who said that man is an embodied paradox , a bundle of contradictions .
11 On the other hand they may be a serious indication that man is — as many people insist — doing irreparable damage to our own fuglicaa , the earth .
12 Nature programmes always do one thing : they shake our faith in the idea that man is the superior species on earth .
13 And they grope instinctively after the Christian truth that man is not just body , he is soul and spirit too .
14 It recognizes that man is unable either to keep these laws , or to make reparation for his offences against a holy God .
15 Bacon had little interest in English neo-romanticism and Minton would have been unable to accept Bacon 's nihilism , his insistence that man is a futile being who has to play out the game dependent not on reason but chance .
16 However , there are various reasons for saying that man is the same grammatical element in 74a and b .
17 It is precisely in virtue of his capacity to grasp this possibility that man is " ontologically fundamental " .
18 It reveals that man is essentially cast in the mode of being-in-the-world , and moreover that the world itself can be made sense of only in the context of man 's own " projects " .
19 There has been a recognition of the constraints within which the Trust can plan its long-term management and for everyone a jolting out of the cosy belief that man is master .
20 ‘ I tried so hard to make her see how … unsuitable that man is .
21 It sets up an ideal world of nature , which is nevertheless represented as attainable reality ( to use a formula of Schiller 's ) In other words , it is constructed on the false premise that man is archetypally good and naturally artistic ( witness the absurd convention of the eternally virtuous hero forever bursting effortlessly into song ) .
22 In Aristotle 's various treatises on the comparative physiology and classification of animals there is a consistent presumption that man is a single species .
23 Perhaps a future generation will come to recognize that the most misguided , though well intentioned , feature of our present age was that , having discovered by the methods of genuine science that man is a single zoological species and thus a unity in his physical nature , we tried , by political coercion and propaganda , to impose on man , as cultural moral being , a comparable sense of unity which contradicts the very essence of our human nature .
24 O. Wilson doctrine that man is " a real Brute already , an Ape , Satyre , Baboon " will not get us anywhere at all .
25 Dances model demonstrates that man is not merely passive , but learns and is creative .
26 On the other hand , those might turn out to be right who think that man is responsible for but a very small part of the destruction of fish that is constantly going on ; and in that case a boat starting with equally good appliances and an equally efficient crew would be likely to get nearly as good a haul after the increase in the total volume of the fishing trade as before .
27 Self , in pointing out the difficulties of building political theory on the basis of the assumption that man is exclusively egoistic , finds Niskanen 's theory to be ‘ empirically false on each main point ’ .
28 Although Golding uses boys to illustrate the fact that man is evil , his point is about mankind , or in other words , human beings .
29 It was due to a war that the boys became stranded on the island and this alone suggests that man is a sinful creature .
30 Do n't you realize how extremely proud that man was ?
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