Example sentences of "that one will " in BNC.

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1 What a trooper that one 'll make . ’
2 But since one may suspect that one 'll be thought a fool for having done so , it may be necessary to overact being a fool and murmur ‘ Forget my own head next ’ .
3 So that one 'll be six six over ten .
4 Although the new Broadcasting Bill stipulates that these stations will provide a varied diet of programmes , the best bet is that one will feature primarily classical music , the second will have a pop/rock music base , while the third is likely to be an American-style ‘ talk ’ station .
5 In radio broadcasting a small number of sonic entities suffice for the expression of all artistic thoughts ; the gramophone and the various mechanical instruments are evolving such clear sonorities that one will be able to write much less heavily instrumented pieces for them .
6 For the chances are that one will be shrouded in a cool mist , while the other bakes in blazing sunshine .
7 Such institutions are the envy of many Arab countries for they reflect a commitment to national identity that one will seek in vain in most parts of the Arab world .
8 I have also heard many environmentalists argue with passion that the cause of animal rights is subsidiary to the cause of protecting the environment , and that one will only follow from the other .
9 Not that it is impossible , but practical considerations of gaining access to situations and the confidence of the people involved in any reasonable length of time mean that one will probably study the situation from one side or the other .
10 Describing himself as ‘ a retired fiddler ’ , he was reluctant to say which of the many festival events would be highlights for him , but could hardly deny , that one will certainly be a performance by his former pupil , Claire Roff , now 18 , who began playing the violin when she was only four .
11 These are some of the characterizations that one will find both on and below the surface of teachers ' lives .
12 If one asks why it is bad to hold logically inconsistent factual beliefs , the most obvious part of the answer is that if one does so , one guarantees that one will have a false belief within this area of one 's thought .
13 If you have two spiders in a cage , it is likely that one will kill and eat the other .
14 So that one will be s that 'll be seventy four , so in nineteen
15 There is now , however , a non-zero probability that in any time period a price war will break out , and in an infinitely repeated market it is virtually certain that one will be observed .
16 People root for pianists as though they were football teams , hoping that one will really make the most of the commissioned piece , trying to nobble the judges at parties to announce that someone 's interpretation of Brahms has changed their hearts and souls .
17 In some circumstances one might seek a maximally parallel version of a program , but it is more likely that one will be attempting to optimise it for a particular configuration .
18 They will have an unrestrained fight ; let us suppose that one will suffer serious injury first and be the loser , and that on average a hawk has an equal chance of winning or losing .
19 ‘ Give an inch and that one will take a mile . ’
20 Some campaigns are doomed to failure from the start and that one will certainly be a waste of time .
21 Perhaps ‘ object ’ is a misleading term since it is increasingly plain that electronic corruption and software/hardware obsolescence mean that one will not be able to preserve the original electronic text or data .
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