Example sentences of "that very [adj] " in BNC.

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31 The fans knew that very little had happened at the match , but on the way picture , aided by songs , ‘ We took Swindon and all of them in it , We took Swindon in half a minute … ’
32 The fact that very little concerted thought had been given to organizing the juvenile labour-market does not mean that no action had been taken at the local level by schools , skilled employment committees , and several or more local education authorities .
33 In both cases , units are shown as ‘ dotted line ’ boxes indicating that very little expenditure is actually paid for by the units , even though , of course , they are where the bulk of resources are deployed .
34 By the 1870s , when it became clear that very little investment capital was going to flow from private sources or joint-stock ventures , and that the German people as a whole now viewed the development of the economy as part of the business of creating a strong and unified Reich , the Bank of Prussia became essential to all major German long-term investment plans .
35 It is essential that very little disturbance is caused in the tank , and therefore it should be planted in an area where the water agitation is minimal .
36 The difference between the early days and 1976 was that cars were going a lot faster — Lauda himself had been the first to break the magical seven-minute lap in 1975 — and that very little had been done to make the track safer .
37 Poor communications meant that very little news from outlying districts appeared in ZANA output , the only notable exception being when the president went on one of his tours of the country and a journalist from ZANA accompanied the party .
38 Examining this structure with the eye of an engineer it is at once evident that very little of the stiffness of the carbon — carbon chain will be reflected in the macroscopic modulus of the plastic since the bonds which control the extension are not the covalent primary bonds but the secondary or van der Waal forces which attach the convolutions of the chain to each other .
39 While they generally take care to express such formulations in the language of reason , justice and humanitarian concern that will command consent , they also take care that very little creeps into those formulations that will seriously impede their exercise of power .
40 His strategy is to argue from intuitive examples and psychological results that very little is in fact available to consciousness : that it is vacuous in the sense used above .
41 The heart of Dennett 's case is that very little is available to consciousness : we just get the results .
42 The fact is that very little of the old Fleet Street ‘ formation ’ has survived into the 90s .
43 It also says that very little of the new money is being spent on things which are genuinely different and distinguishable from existing statutory programmes and policies .
44 We have a suspicion that very little reaction has taken place because in fact very few bubbles have risen to the surface .
45 Yet the reality is that very little money spent on science is spent on improving social welfare ; as Rose ( 1986 ) has pointed out , 50 per cent of the government 's science and technology budget in 1981–2 went on military research and development .
46 Another , at both A and B , was that very little genuine help was given with problems ; the question and answer sheets were not marked , for example , and tutorials did n't always provide the key to understanding what the work was about :
47 As a second , hypothetical example , suppose that I was keen to make some contribution to human physiology or anatomy , and suppose I noted that very little work has been done on the weight of human earlobes .
48 In the cave could be seen the vague outlines of a rocking horse and the sharper scarlet of its flaring nostrils , and stiff-limbed puppets , dressed in rich , sombre colours , dangling from their strings ; but the brown varnish of the horse and the plums and purples of the puppets made such a murk together that very little could be seen .
49 The student starts off with a fairly definite hold on the world , built on reasonably stable concepts and ideas , but at the end of the course has grasped that very little of the intellectual world has enduring substance and that there are always more cognitive spectacles to put on .
50 However , anyone who has been through the process knows that very little practical effort is made by the services involved to pass on details .
51 It is also possible that surface dust is mobilized by electrical forces : indeed , such forces are of great importance to the minority of scientists who believe that very little lava if any has flowed from the lunar interior .
52 Oq. of dressed ore from Tilberthwaite … at least it shows that very little was being done there .
53 Harry sensed that very little pressure would be required to overcome her scruples .
54 The starting point of the research is the fact that very little formal school derived knowledge may be used in discussion of pupils ' reactions to scientific issues in the public domain .
55 If the changes wrought by the Glorious Revolution in England seem , by contrast , much more limited , it would be wrong to react too far and suggest that very little of significance was achieved by the events of 1688 – 9 .
56 At either end of the histogram are thin tails indicating that very little of the Earth 's solid surface is found more than 5 km above , or 6 km below , mean sea level .
57 Set up in 1983 under the Finance Act , the BES has been a major facilitator of the channelling of funds to businesses ( Peat Marwick 1986 ) , many of which would apparently not have been able to raise capital without the help of the BES , although it was also reported that very little of the funds were provided for seedcorn businesses .
58 And it soon became apparent that very little of what we did in the department would pass any objective assessment of a clearly understood and resourced process to satisfy agreed customer requirements .
59 Beyond them lies that very mysterious region , the centre of the Galaxy , about which we know very little at the moment .
60 Yeah , but , I mean I was just , erm , I found that very informative as well , I was very disappointed that if that much money er , information was available that we were not given it as members , because it would have made decision making far more sensible , but erm ,
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