Example sentences of "that in the " in BNC.

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1 But it is certainly true that in the last sixty years the various schools and academies of acting have had a significant effect on the climate of acting .
2 It is possible , though , that in the early stages of training you may feel that all your creative skill is being stripped from you , and that the whole system is ganging up on you .
3 It may be that in the protestant — loyalist case this ethnic tendency may have priority over the British component of identity or be in conflict with it .
4 It is clear that in the past many of them have considered loyalty to be a two-way process , a contract or covenant , and that the state could be a traitorous party as well as the people .
5 But now , on the basis of a number of well-documented opinion polls , W. Harvey Cox ( 1985 ) argues that the majority in the Republic of Ireland favouring reunification is barely two to one , and that in the island as a whole it is three to two .
6 It is only possible to assert that work begun with a lifting of the heart is likely to go on for longer than work begun with a contracting of the stomach , that work done with a lifting of the heart will develop further than work done with a contracting of the stomach , but there is nothing to indicate that the small amount of work which is the result of a contracting of the stomach will not be better than the large amount of work done with a lifting of the heart , than the rich development which is the likely result of work undertaken with a lifting of the heart , always bearing in mind , wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , poring over the pages covered in his friend 's tiny handwriting , wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve , glanced up at the sheet in his typewriter , always bearing in mind , he typed ( as Harsnet had written ) , that better and worse are relative terms , and that one man 's better is another man 's worse , one age 's better is another age 's worse , one civilization 's better is another civilization 's worse , better , worse , relative values , scribbled Goldberg in the margin , always bearing in mind , wrote Harsnet , that in the long run it all comes to the same thing , long run , scribbled Goldberg in the margin , same thing .
7 ‘ It is most surprising that in the tourism industry the necessity for language training to meet the growing demand for overseas visitors is not felt to be important , ’ the report said .
8 The study explains that in the hotel and licensed restaurant sectors there are opportunities for meat suppliers which are able to guarantee the supply of tender beef .
9 But I had heard that in the South things are better . ’
10 It is impossible to watch the towplane and the ground ahead during the climb out so that in the event of a launch failure the glider pilot has to look for a field , whereas in the normal tow position he has a good view of the fields ahead all the time .
11 Loyalty to crown and ‘ country ’ sometimes exceeded in the colonies that in the core of the Empire itself , especially among the poor and the powerless .
12 At 20 years old he is a Grand Slam winner and he achieved it against Agassi in a slugging final that in the end had the 17.000 crowd at Roland Garros on their feet .
13 You may remember that in the December issue of Woodworker last year I wrote about John Makepeace 's new venture , Hooke Park College .
14 Looking back to the opening statement of the first article last month , we must remember that in the main we are thinking about these designs as decoration rather than as pure picture-making .
15 I have noticed recently that in the climbing world some consideration is being given to the lack of participation by black people .
16 We recall that in the notebooks Dostoevsky has Raskolnikov reflect upon his crime and declare he had to commit it to achieve moral development and get himself out of the mess he was in .
17 So on first consideration it seems odd that in the early days of planning The Possessed Dostoevsky should write to his friend Maikov and describe his new venture as ‘ like Crime and Punishment but even nearer to reality , even more urgent , and directly concerned with the most important contemporary question ’ .
18 Both areas , breaking and mending , engrossed Dostoevsky from the time when the shared convict existence of prison snapped him like a dry biscuit yet also made him new , so that in the closing words of The House of the Dead , with the knocking off of his fetters , the narrator greets ‘ a new life , voskresenie from the dead ’ .
19 It holds more true of some of us than of others , that in the struggle to make it new we are writing the same book all our lives ; and with Dostoevsky this truth is very true .
20 The fact is that in the world of switch-mode power supplies ( and it is a very large world indeed , covering PCB , mainframe computers , electronic telephone exchanges , military equipment , aerospace , and more besides ) it is rare to come across a Cuk converter .
21 An awkward truth though is that in the twentieth century some of the most committed political criticism has come from conservatives , like Eliot and the Southern Agrarians .
22 Blood-red , blanch-white that in the sunset glows
23 He said that in the last two years he had met very few institutions which had not cut back their system budgets following the 1987 crash in share prices in the stock market .
24 Amid the euphoria of its seven-point opinion poll lead , the party 's own pollsters have reminded it that in the South the Conservatives lead 47-33 while in the Midlands and Wales the race remains too close to call .
25 Setting out Labour 's case for international co-operation to strengthen world security and combat environmental degradation , Mr Kinnock said : ‘ It is an argument for global citizenship — a recognition of the fact that in the world now and for the future , passive co-existence is not enough .
26 Such writing rapidly palls , and I hope that in the novels to come , Motion can curb his reckless passion for it .
27 It claims that in the five years to the end of 1988 Pearl 's new annual premium business rose by an average of 3.7 per cent a year against a UK market average of 13 per cent a year .
28 He went on to say that the Met failed in this respect , and it is certainly the case that in the late Sixties some policemen would have taken the evidence with them , later , with a conjuror 's flourish , producing sackfuls of cannabis from behind the furniture with cries of ‘ Hullo John !
29 The only difference is that in the 1950s and the 1980s the Conservatives had more than 10 years to cure the ills of the economy while in the 1970s they had but four .
30 Weiner says that in the Eighties we 've gone past the ‘ grazing ’ stage , in which we picked at this and that all day long , to ‘ refuelling ’ : the pit-stop in which we shovel food in our mouths as fast as we can .
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