Example sentences of "that [pers pn] who " in BNC.

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1 Looking back , it seems a wonderful enough thing that I who am this , and she who is that , commencing so far away a life that , after such sufferings borne together and apart , ended so tranquilly there in a world so stable — that she and I should have passed through so much , good chance and evil chance , sad hours and joyful , all lived down and swept away into the little heap of dust that is a life .
2 That I who have held first place for eight years should be asked to take a secondary position . ’
3 Equally regrettably , they suggest that she who ( presumably ) approved them is not so much a Pharisee as a Philistine : one , moreover , who has been impressed by too many drives down The Bishop 's Avenue , where Hampstead 's temples to new money are built , en route to the Finchley constituency .
4 I hope you will feel , as I increasingly felt during the research , that we who play today owe all those before us a great debt of gratitude .
5 Again and again , I hear people say that it is a pity that we who produced the great ideas of the world did not actually manufacture their consequences .
6 Wexford was n't inclined to be sentimental over the Cullams but he could n't help being faintly touched that they who were poor in everything had been affluent , extravagant and imaginative in one respect .
7 Moreover I have given order that they who collect my dues take from you no more than the tenth , because so it is appointed by the custom of the Moors , and it is what ye have been wont to pay .
8 When my Cid saw that they who eat his bread were returned , he went down from the tower , and received them right well , and praised them for what they had done like good knights : howbeit he was full sorrowful for Alvar Salvadores that he should be in the hands of the Moors , but he trusted in God that he should deliver him on the morrow .
9 And yet the problems reason hopes to resolve will not go away and we are little wiser in that respect than when Pascal wrote so perceptively : ‘ Man is neither angel nor brute , and the unfortunate thing is that he who would act the angel acts the brute . ’
10 Although disapproval of sacred dramas continued to be vehemently expressed , as , for instance , by Gerhoh of Reichersburg ( 1039–1169 ) who , according to Kolve ( 1966 ) , warned that he who portrays the rage of Herod is guilty of the very vice he portrays ( a deep-seated objection not entirely eradicated today ) , anxiety about its blasphemous nature was dispelled as more people came to regard it as merely a ‘ game ’ rather than as a sacrilegious act .
11 I always pray with joy being confident of this , that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus .
12 And the old man arose and embraced his son and placed him above him at the table , saying , that he who had brought home that head should be the head of the house of Layn Calvo .
13 They may even believe that he who pays the piper calls the tune , and that PFK editorial is slanted towards one or another manufacturer .
14 It had long been believed that he who held the Tower , held London in the palm of his hand .
15 The combination of horncall and cockcrow means , if one listens , that he who fears for his life shall lose it , but that dying undaunted is no defeat ; furthermore that this was true before the Christian myth that came to explain why .
16 We are led inexorably towards Kingsley and Redford squaring up for a mental duel between software equals , one barmily convinced that He Who Has The Database Rules The World and the other on the side of human compassion which ca n't be reduced to byte-size chunks .
17 ‘ I hear that he who is scarred is he who is honoured , being graced by a Brother 's nick upon his cheek — a nick like a dainty bite , like a loving kiss .
18 Drachenfels found that he who listened correctly could see , hear , smell and even taste every act of wickedness that took place within the chambers and warrens of the building .
19 The law in this area is not confined to contractual relationships , but may also be based ‘ on the broad principle of equity that he who has received information in confidence shall not take unfair advantage of it . ’
20 De Gaulle was little interested in AFPs ’ He considered it normal that he who pays the piper calls the tune : ‘ qui paie commande ’ .
21 I shall I daresay finally learn that he who wants to be loved by everyone and wants more than it is his right to have ends up with Nothing .
22 Thus the second safeguard is that he who wishes to serve the proceedings abroad must first obtain an exercise by the court of its discretion in his favour .
23 ONE OF THE beauties of cricket is that he who falls can rise again or , as the Captain once put it , ‘ He who normally fills an insignificant gap in the ramparts one day awakes to find his cannon blazing in glory . ’
24 " This Meeting consider themselves authorised to regulate the practice to be hereafter adopted in Smithies — and direct now that he who comes to the smithy first prepared for work shall have preference in finishing all his work of every kind before any other can pretend to interfere . "
25 He said that he who gives a service is worthy of his hire
26 The brief moral drawn at the end of the original French version of this tale is that he who trusts his wife more than himself will frequently regret it .
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