Example sentences of "that [pers pn] is " in BNC.

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1 I thank you for the interest shown and hope that t is reply answers some of your questions .
2 → Ibanez made Blazers between 1980–82 at the Fuji factory in Japan and the serial number would indicate that yours is from ‘ 82 .
3 I was n't suggesting you betray any human warmth in your soul by sharing a bed — simply pointing out that yours is unslept in , whereas mine at least should still have a remnant of heat in it . ’
4 Let me remind the cynics opposite that yours is the only Group on this Council which has voted against our proposals on disability .
5 That does n't mean that yours is n't as good .
6 Furthermore , the fact that Haines must report to the Jockey Club Stewards and has no authority to act unilaterally has inevitably led to suggestions that his is merely a token appointment .
7 However , recent scientific examination by an international team of scientists suggests that his is an early copy of the original now lost .
8 It will be clear , I think , to anyone reading what Karajan has to say in Chapter 6 of these Conversations that his is an enterprise of particular historical significance .
9 He would probably say that his is a case of the unexcitable in pursuit of the unexciting , but the sound , and at times beautiful hockey which he has inspired ( particularly in the second half of the season ) gives the lie to such modesty .
10 In that his is a daily paper , and that Fiji is quite close to the Date Line , probably he is technically correct .
11 CalMac 's managing director , Colin Paterson , points out that his is possibly the only nationalised industry whose grant has gone down in real terms .
12 Ross is probably right that his is the more common sense view , but it may still strike us as extremely odd that it could ever be one 's duty not to do what which would certainly have the best results .
13 He asked me if I would be kind enough to remind all parents that his is returning to the Skarloey Railway at the end of October .
14 It is perfectly possible , as Griffen explains , to allow pupil and parent choice , but there is no evidence that his is other than an isolated example .
15 If the purchaser is to try to ensure that his is the last counter-offer , so that it will be accepted by the conduct of the seller , the device of sending back another acknowledgement does not work well in practice .
16 Where a plaintiff contends that his is a case justifying a departure from the general approach that contention , and the facts relied upon to support it , should be pleaded .
17 After a brief opening spot by local musician Jim Malcolm , which suggested that his is a talent to watch , Guillory came on .
18 You see he 's so unlucky that his is on all play .
19 The shorts are betting that theirs is an industry with a bright future .
20 They represent to the world that theirs is a relationship based on strong human emotions , exclusive commitment to each other , and permanence .
21 Advertisers are not allowed to name other products , or claim that theirs is ‘ the best ’ , but these vague comparisons imply that brand X is better than all the opposition .
22 All claim that they are not writing for clever people but this does not mean that theirs is the voice of a simple , unlettered piety .
23 Pluralists do not deny such a possibility , even probability ; they simply say that theirs is the pragmatic solution to the difficult methodological problems involved in the analysis of power and interests ( discussed in chapters 3 and 4 respectively ) .
24 Just be prepared for Connemara enthusiasts to tell you that theirs is the only breed worth bothering about , Welsh Cob experts too insist that nothing compares with a good Section D and Highland/Fell/Dales etc exhibitors feel exactly the same !
25 But when Patrick says that sort of thing to Jenny , he adds that she is an exception to this law of nature .
26 I would say that she is more dangerous than Monica .
27 Whatever the realities of Shirli-Ann 's situation , the broader truth is that she is not alone .
28 It emphasises that she is not the awful old termagant she has so far seemed to be .
29 Today , Renee Henry is convinced that she is cured and that the Gerson therapy is responsible .
30 ‘ Margaret Thatcher shows that she is from the Greta Garbo school of diplomacy : ‘ I want to be alone . ’
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