Example sentences of "that [vb past] this " in BNC.

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1 But it was not only the work of Vredeman de Vries that made this garden so remarkable .
2 It was the circumstances that made this achievement even more outstanding .
3 My real interest — beyond my own cancer — was the world I had just entered , those twin factors that made this visit so very different from my last one , age and illness .
4 It was not so much the kite design , rather , the principle of moving the centre of lift as the lines were pulled that made this early application a forecast of today 's steering methods .
5 The agriculture that made this growing wealth possible was highly organised , although with considerable variations within Sussex : all men worked not just for themselves , but for a lord .
6 Mr Paterson is at his best in conveying the feelings of those Brown tormented ; but oddly , given his professed admiration for his subject , he is less good at capturing the qualities that made this former fur salesman and trade-union official the deputy leader of his party and a powerful cabinet minister taken seriously even by those who disliked him .
7 Last Wednesday 's heavy New York papers , the Times and the Wall Street Journal , devoted acres of newsprint to the disastrous turn taken in the tide of IBM Corp 's affairs — but alongside , IBM still ran a chirpy RS/6000 ad with a picture of computer-generated bubbles , with a blurb entitled The Computer That Made This Picture is Also Making History .
8 It 's their money that made this possible .
9 The catalyst that made this possible was Dionysiac music .
10 The vast majority of the biomedical research that made this possible was carried out on animals .
11 But w was it , was it the size of China that made this necessary ?
12 Yes , I think one of the main things that , that made this possible was the improvements in heating .
13 The committee that produced this report was set up to consider how public schools ( defined as those belonging to the Headmasters ' Conference or the Governing Bodies Association , together with ‘ comparable schools for girls ’ ) could develop and extend their association with the general education system .
14 PERHAPS it was the power of positive thought that produced this Thistle win , perhaps not .
15 She realised from the quizzical looks that met this further information that she had made matters worse rather than better .
16 People would think he was a queer , they were the ones that got this .
17 I think I 'd have to actually , should have perhaps warned you about this , but er , er , in point of fact , not too many people got this , I think there was one of two that got this wrong .
18 He slumped , then turned slightly , staring through the gloom of the house towards the north , as if he could see through the walls , through the wood , to that place of battle , that cold place , which lay northwards and to which he and Tallis — as everything that passed this way seemed to be moving .
19 Sutherland continued : ‘ But lately , in his perpetual need to IRRITATE , to keep The Smiths APART , Morrissey 's taken on a cosmetic political stance which could be a dark mirror intentionally reflecting the pathetic propaganda that polluted this nation just prior to a general election . ’
20 Do n't be fooled by the hugely entertaining test in South Africa — it was only the brilliance of Australia that stopped this show piece game — played under the new laws — from turning into a shambles , says STEPHEN JONES ( Sunday Times ) .
21 Biochemical indicators of renal tubular stimulation predicted response to treatment , but these indicators depended on the response criteria used : low serum phosphate and low TmP correlated with a poor response when length of response was examined , whereas TmCa correlated with a fall in CCa from day 0 to day 6 , and accord with other studies that used this response criterion .
22 Her heart thudded painfully as he leaned over the high beige bench top that bordered this part of the nurses ' station and spoke absently to Deana .
23 The sight of the two customers that entered this time stayed her hand holding the small brass scoop that was about to transfer a minute amount of coconut chips to the scale .
24 The Johnson Matthey contingent in this year 's Royston Fun Run raised a superb total of £2,000 and the four JM employees that entered this year 's London Marathon have raised a total of well over £1,500 .
25 Controlling and reproducing the cell was , it seemed , all about controlling and reproducing information ; and what distinguished the molecules that embodied this new idea , proteins , DNA and RNA , from the much more boring small molecules that until then biochemists had worked with was that these giant molecules seemed to embody information ; they were , it appeared , informational macromolecules .
26 The revolution that toppled this edifice in 1979 was not the work of any single organized movement .
27 Yet the club has avoided the kind of foul-up that ruined this year 's Grand National steeplechase because of primitive starting procedures supervised by another archaic British body , the Jockey Club .
28 His little blue bright eyes , hard and round , that seemed this morning to be protruding out of the shallow creamy lakes around them , were full of hate for her .
29 Our present study supports the view that whole protein based diets are clinically effective , as suggested in three previous trials that compared this type of diet with elemental formulas , although in one of them the sample is small and the conclusions are only indicative .
30 The drivers of the all-conquering Silver Arrows had to work very , very hard to overcome these challenges but the race was decided by an extraordinary series of mishaps that befell this normally super-slick team .
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