Example sentences of "with i [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Er I did bring it with me to give to but obviously I 'll have to send it now .
2 Top talks as if it rested with me to settle who were to be the Unionist candidates for the constituencies .
3 OK , you gon na squeeze in this chair with me to do our reading
4 So cos I said to Lynn as I said what I 'll do , I 'll go slow then one of you 'll have to put it out cos there 'll be so much work to wrap up I should be taking it home with me to do it .
5 She just pleaded with me to let her stay with me till the baby was born and then she would try and gather the courage to tell her family . ’
6 Is it holding an argument with me to answer a plain question ?
7 ‘ When I go off to work each day , ’ he said slowly , ‘ Dorothy comes out to the car with me to say goodbye .
8 He is hurt and shaken , but he insisted on coming back with me to say thank you for making the message that warned him away from the bog .
9 For example , ‘ Your GP got in touch with me to say you were having some problems with your daughter , Anne .
10 ‘ You 're not sure that you want to be with me , but you 're here with me to say it . ’
11 Jacques caught up with me to say that Tante Héloise , who 'd gone to her room with a supposed migraine , had disappeared too , and Ernestine was having hysterics . ’
12 erm what did I say to and I just say things like I 'm , I 'm really pissed off with her keep coming with me to breakfast every morning
13 As a headteacher of a state primary school I was immediately aware that I would be asking the staff who worked with me to take on new responsibilities .
14 I did not feel I should miss his company , and the fact that I should have no fellow-countryman with me to take charge if I fell sick or was wounded did not worry me , since I had every confidence in Omar .
15 I have started divorce proceedings , as we have been living apart for the last two months , but now he is pleading with me to take him back .
16 I have started divorce proceedings , as we have been living apart for the last two months , but now he is pleading with me to take him back .
17 I had gone there from Florida because my father had pleaded with me to go .
18 I 'm eight and a half years old and disgusted that my mother has to come with me to see A Hard Day 's Night when usually she just sees me to the edge of the estate and across the main road .
19 I 'm off home for the morning , but you 're wanted to come with me to see a VIP about a missing person .
20 Dad 's coming with me to see Uncle Walter .
21 ‘ I worked from home and took Elliot with me to see clients .
22 ‘ Tomorrow I would like you to come with me to see the laibon .
23 ‘ Could you come with me to see him ?
24 You and Basil must come with me to see her .
25 I went to association and came in with me to see the place and to meet the outgoing director and the nice part time secretary .
26 X 's secretary , formerly for eight years secretary to Judge now of the European Court of Justice and formerly an advocate who lives just along , came with me to see get the Royal Bank/Univ Alumnus of the Year Award on Saturday .
27 when I was sixteen because it 's then I started to get these free passes and I had a sister then who lived at Rye and I had never been across London so the next door neighbour came with me to see me across London er because I was so young you see and I said right as long as you show me across London I can come back alone , you see , and so I came back alone and I , that 's when I started , so from sixteen and er and as I say I went to Cambridge in the nineteen thirty one , it was the last day of well say nineteen thirty two , you see , and , and also in the twenties I was going on holiday alone and I went to once er to the Isle of Man and when I was er I , I sat next , well being by myself , you see , they put me in , to a little table near the wall .
28 ‘ Well , you shall have it as you wish , though it goes against the grain with me to see this fellow go free .
29 Will you come up with me to clean my teeth ?
30 Meanwhile I found other knitting groups right in ‘ my ’ province and took Arune with me to talk with the other women in it in the hope that they could answer the questions that I could n't .
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