Example sentences of "with [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Take these away and one is left with a little body of poems from the Shire , mostly in quatrains with alternate lines rhyming , in plain language and metre and with for the most part a gently proverbial quality .
2 The weapon carries three separate thermonuclear warheads , each with about the same power as the single warhead in a cruise missile ( 150–200 kilotons ) .
3 Stir until all ingredients are amalgamated and the whole mixture looks rather like thick honey , with about the same consistency .
4 So I have n't no quarrels with about the repairs .
5 These examples are from Meon Villas ; not the cheapest company around , but with about the best choice of villas and apartments on the Algarve and , because it is largely a family-run company , it has an excellent reputation for looking after its customers ( 0730 66561 ) .
6 I look at him with about the dirtiest look I can muster .
7 I 'm sure that the Army coming in , with about the same sort of strength as the RAF , is going to be good for the community and local economy .
8 But it is a pain that many families are having to live with as the number of those dying of AIDS increases .
9 When it reported in April 1982 , the Club had other difficulties to deal with as the Secretary , Bob Hodson , the Professional , Ian Evans , and the Steward all resigned within a short period .
10 Try and put yourself in the employer 's place , or perhaps in the place of one of the people you may be dealing with as the employer 's representative .
11 Aches and pains come under attack and niggling doubts are dealt with as the soft tissues , muscles , ligaments and joints of the body are worked on .
12 It was as much his to do as he liked with as the sandals on his feet and the change from that fiver he had in his pocket after buying the rose .
13 The family disease can be just as difficult to live with as the primary disease and can be a significant contribution to the relapse of the disease of primary sufferers in early recovery .
14 Known to begin with as the Church Choral Society , it was renamed the College of Church Music in the following year .
15 ‘ The MID 's wont be as easy to deal with as the DEEP 's . ’
16 At that time all cases were dealt with through the law courts , the establishment of guilt or innocence , together with the imposition of punishment the prime aims .
17 Incidents like this happen almost every day , usually — — raised by Tory hon. Members , and they are usually dealt with through the usual channels , the Government deputy Chief Whip , myself and the Serjeant at Arms .
18 I mean that has to be dealt with through the development control processes .
19 Cases of illness and other extenuating circumstances which may have affected a student 's performance overall or in an individual assessment or examination should normally be dealt with through the centres regulations and by discussion of individual cases with the HCIMA moderator prior to the Assessment/Examination Board Meeting .
20 These mechanics for transfer are strictly not dealt with through the post but the Filing and Record Department which is at Room 81 , Royal Courts of Justice , London WC2A 2LL although it is prepared to make an exception provided all of the documents , so far as applicable , set out in the above Practice Direction are sent to it by post ( an unofficial proforma provided to solicitors in fact repeats the list ) ; though in lieu of the proforma no doubt a letter referring to the items in the list would equally suffice .
21 These matters are dealt with through the usual channels , ’ he added .
22 I did the catalogue so I looked all the information up with through the three to do that .
23 That way it can be dealt with through the departure process and the checks and balances the departure er introduces erm are in place erm to protect local interest .
24 With Between the relationship between language and gender becomes significant both thematically and structurally for the first time in Brooke-Rose 's fiction .
25 Susan had combined the faces of several older men — a teacher , a holomeister , some singers — she had been smitten with between the ages of nine and twelve , then weathered them to make her composite even more appealing .
26 In all some 7,200 trading invoices were dealt with during the year and 1,500 stationery orders .
27 With the amount of work that was to be dealt with during the coming months his chances of getting away from the hospital much before eight or nine any evening were very slight .
28 I believe that the spirit chooses which lessons it is to be faced with during the course of a particular lifetime .
29 Michael Heseltine , secretary of state for the environment , has said that implementation and enforcement of EC legislation will be ‘ very much in the front ’ of environmental issues dealt with during the UK 's EC presidency .
30 On the Shankhill Road they saw by accident a person whom Joan had talked with during the WLAA campaign for legal justice .
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