Example sentences of "you by [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Then one night they all disappeared , 'cos t' farmers an' their wives kep' forgettin' to say thank you by puttin' out cake an' milk for yum .
2 ‘ And I do not intend to entertain you by dressing while you watch . ’
3 ‘ I 've killed you by bringing you here , ’ Paul says , almost whispering .
4 The F-Plan 's extra filling power can most help you by getting you right to slim-weight target .
5 It 's one that we can perhaps put a bit of pressure on if we issue an application for you by getting ACAS involved and seeing whether ACAS can either get you back there or er get you a compensation off them .
6 I mean we 're all , I 'm sure , basically family with what Darwin 's theory of evolution is , and I do n't really want to labour you by reminding you of it , but I think it 's important to appreciate first of all what his problem was erm and I think that it 's fair to say that for Darwin the problem was that as a naturalist he was aware of the fact that animals and plants are adapted to a quite extraordinary degree to their particular ways of life , and indeed many of his books on orchids and earthworms and so on have a great deal to say about the details of these adaptations .
7 Having asked for very specific things and following the instructions your mentor gives you by speaking with your own voice , you will see the results .
8 May I help you by suggesting that if you could persuade the Prime Minister to fix the election date now there would be no need for this pre-election period — if the Prime Minister would stop shilly-shallying because he is afraid of going to the country .
9 If you need to give a tablet directly to your dog , it may be helpful to have someone else to assist you by holding the dog .
10 ‘ I hope I do not disturb you by telephoning you ; I find out you live in London from Piers , and so I think to myself that I will phone . ’
11 ‘ I would n't insult you by thinking I could learn enough in a couple of days .
12 Rather than tensing up and pulling with all your arm strength , simply use your weight to do the work for you by leaning on your arms with a straight back .
13 Erm it is quite unfair , and illegal , for a shop to try to duck out of their responsibilities to you by pointing to a sign that says no refunds , no money refunded .
14 As you know it , this is the last I 'm sure everyone 's aware it 's the last item on your agenda when I was looking at the agenda this item was before the fox hunting motion I thought well it 'd be nice to have a debate before the fox hunting motion because we would have er a full house of people who I 'm sure would be very interested to hear the discussion on V A T. As matter of fact I 'm sure they would w w would welcome the opportunity to have a de , a discussion , but it seems they have gone and I got , I got it wrong Chairman when you by taking the the the fox hunting motion it should really have , have held on till this time in the evening .
15 You may remember that two or three years ago , we made an attempt to consult you by producing a discussion paper , Woman , Status and Role , Life and Mission , which resulted in the report , Do Not Be Afraid .
16 and I thought it was hysterical , it was the fact that you noticed when you first came here about if somebody liked you they always greeted you by swearing at you
17 I thought I 'd be helping you by telling you what I did .
18 It needs you to sustain its welfare work and it can help you by providing comradeship and support .
19 Then make that place special to you by conducting a ritual , in whatever form you feel happiest with .
20 I 'll keep in touch with you by ringing you at home , if I may . "
21 Key Points : Pull the board close to you by using the back foot ; maintain an upright rig ; kick hard with the front foot ; lean forwards applying weight to mast foot .
22 Perhaps , Bill , I could help you by using the example that Sharon Mace , on of erm the physically handicapped people who came to lobby Council yesterday , used .
23 Now I can help you by letting you stay somewhere safe . ’
24 Having read his Burke , he knows the aphorism which I will not insult you by quoting about taxation .
25 I 'm not going to please you by doing that .
26 Whenever you give clarification or provide information four times out of ten someone else will follow you by doing the same and three times out of ten someone else will follow you by asking for more .
27 So , of course you might be running into trouble by doing too much , by being over-zealous and when you do things , or you may also be inviting criticism and inviting the , the great fickle hand of of bureaucratic power down upon you by doing too little too late , and that 's often the , that 's often the criticism which people in your profession and several other professions get accused of .
28 SAVE and other local and national bodies can support you by making direct contact with the local planning office and writing letters of support to the local press and planners .
29 They usually deal with the situation in one of two ways — they patronise you and try to take control on the assumption that you must need their guidance to do a decent job ; or they undermine you by making obscene remarks and deliberately causing problems .
30 You and your husband are certainly doing your share for today 's ‘ concerns ’ so let us do something for you by making yours the Star Letter this month .
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