Example sentences of "you came [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Did you hear any sound from the children 's room when you came past the door ? ’
2 If you came at night , like a broken king ,
3 You came at the right time to save me and Hawkins . ’
4 ‘ Sure and was n't it an act of God that you came at all ? ’
5 Did you have any experience of a kind that helped you before you came to drama school ?
6 When you came to London to audition finally was it your first visit here ?
7 When you came to London
8 How did you feel as you came to the end of your working week yesterday afternoon ?
9 You came to my house to see my Daddy , did n't you ?
10 This afternoon you came to my office as if you were doing me a favour .
11 But you came to our church . ’
12 When you came to Moscow I found you intensely attractive ; in Grindelwald too , with the mountains so atmospheric !
13 For when I was hungry , you gave me food ; when thirsty , you gave me drink ; when I was a stranger you took me into your home , when naked you clothed me ; when I was ill you came to my help , when in prison you visited me . ’
14 Silence fell between them for a few steps , then he said , his tone slightly different , ‘ I 've heard on the grapevine that you came to Glasgow from Heymouth , and that you were involved in the disaster there last August . ’
15 There was a wee window you could look into before you came to the back door and she was always sitting reading the paper .
16 You came to hers before .
17 Obviously you came to the pension to make enquiry about me and my sister . ’
18 You came to the city .
19 If you came to this country after 1948 as an adult , your working life still started at 16 , so you will probably have a reduced pension .
20 You came to Kinghorn and the Queen graciously granted you an audience during which you disturbed her .
21 ‘ And you put food in , against the King 's orders , before ever you came to Nicosia ?
22 Mr Loveitt intervened with practised skill : ‘ Excuse me , ma'am , ’ and to Midnight : ‘ It must be established first how you came to be the property of Captain Meredith .
23 In the end you came to a door that said ( and this was equally inexplicable ) 3D .
24 You know , I have n't been able to take my eyes off you ever since you came to our office . ’
25 ‘ I 'm sorry about what happened when you came to the house , ’ she said .
26 By using the detachment technique during the course of the regression , it is possible for the hypnotherapist to ensure that you do not suffer in any way — if , for example , you are undergoing past-life regression and you came to a painful and untimely end in an earlier life .
27 If you came to supper now , you could watch television , and Violet learnt how to play poker in California , she 's teaching me , we could have a game and Perdita would love to see you . ’
28 I waited until you came to me in the hospital , I had to .
29 You came to me first ? ’
30 You came to me , ’ he told her , ‘ not by my invitation .
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