Example sentences of "you think you " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And if you think you 're going to get all that off without a shower , you 're wrong . ’
2 As soon as you think you may be pregnant , and certainly by the time you 've missed two periods , go to your doctor for confirmation .
3 Ask for a blood test even if you think you have had German Measles .
4 Though people expect illness to become more frequent in old age , you should not assume that nothing can be done , but should consult your doctor if you think you have a health problem .
5 You think you look better than any photo .
6 ‘ Yeah , ’ it said with relish , ‘ you think you 'll forget about your precious Lucy just because you 're a few hundred miles away ?
7 You think you have balls ?
8 An excellent drill is to think in terms of rallying , with targets of 30 , 50 , 100 or whatever you think you are capable of doing — and making sure the ball lands between the service line and the baseline .
9 If you think you 've already got a hammer drill , then it 's time to think again !
10 On the other hand , when you see thousands climbing over the embassy railings as if the Devil were at their heels , you think you must be stupid to stay . ’
11 - You think you 're buying three pounds of onions in the shops , get home and find you 're actually carrying a bag of the new season 's hyacinth bulbs .
12 If you think you should be a member , we will take up your case .
13 You are really much better than you think you are . ’
14 When you think you 're right that is the very time it 'll fly back in your teeth .
15 And do n't believe all you think you 've heard about a Cobra being undrivable in anything but a straight line either .
16 He swung open the door and said over his shoulder , ‘ I do n't know what you think you 're doing , Martin , distracting the coroner 's officer in the execution of his duty .
17 Like when you think you just got things figured out , they change all of a sudden .
18 You do n't go to the opera primarily to hear the music , you go to be bundled together with people similar to yourself , or people that you think you 're like .
19 Having perfected this petulant stance , all he can do is reiterate it — with a self-deprecating acknowledgement of the onset of self-parody : ‘ Stop Me if You Think You 've Heard This One Before ’ , ‘ Sweet and Tender Hooligan ’ , where the chorus is simply ‘ et cetera , et cetera ’ …
20 Also , you think you deserve it or you think you 've earned it or you think you can afford it , and everyone began to act like that .
21 Also , you think you deserve it or you think you 've earned it or you think you can afford it , and everyone began to act like that .
22 Also , you think you deserve it or you think you 've earned it or you think you can afford it , and everyone began to act like that .
23 If you think you 've got it bad now , how would you like to be paid six shillings a ton to collect pebbles along the cold surf in Norfolk ?
24 You think you 're Liam Shakespeare , ’ Doyle said softly .
25 What d you think you 're doing among officers of proper regiments ? ’
26 If you think you have , we want to hear from you .
27 Parents were encouraged to trust their commonsense and instinct ( ‘ You know more than you think you do ’ ) .
28 If you think you will get bored with the same kind of exercise , experiment with different types .
29 A basic principle is to try out the things you think you are most likely to enjoy and to incorporate them into your routine on a long-term basis .
30 If you think you could well get out of control you can avoid triggering stimuli as much as possible .
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