Example sentences of "you know with " in BNC.

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1 And you know with huskies , if one of them drops dead , the rest of them eat him .
2 ‘ Well , we certainly thought we were climbing , the wife and me , you know with all that pulling ourselves up over the rock and all , and what with the fact we were , well , in a manner of speaking , how can I put this , em , climbing up to the top . ’
3 If I 'm going anywhere where I want them to see me as a ‘ teacher ’ you know with all that that implies , then I 'll wear my wedding ring .
4 It 's , I , I mean these , these , the work with , with the original action network seems to , seems to come and go , you 've got a very large amount at one point and then nothing for sometime , it just depends er , I think which country they 're targeting and how much there is , because we had quite a lot on Malawi did n't we during the early part on last year not much on South Africa recently , as if they do n't quite know what to do , you know with the situation there it 's not quite er clarified .
5 Although bargaining is often very tough you 've always got a better chance if you know with whom you are dealing — it helps if you 've had the odd meal or drink together or a game of squash .
6 you know I just keep thinking the stuff 's on the way round and there ought to be some way of doing it , but I , you know , I mean maybe Brian 's idea of the , the , the organizations in the ci ci but that does n't help me you know with a , with a
7 and erm , we 'd got there and a young lady came along delivering milk you know with a big milk float and she put the , the twins Brenda and
8 and I feel , I find it a bit frightening at times as well on , on the road , you know with things
9 You have a job and you do the things that kin a er , inspire you to go on , you know , you know with er any other opportunity .
10 Well when you 're a waitress and you mix you know with all sorts and you hear different people talking and what they did and what they did n't do you now and some had Doctor pills at that time in the nineteen thirties and some used the Indian bark .
11 But when you 've got four or five or six children in a house you know with two bedrooms .
12 Cos there were n't supposed to be moving people into the flats with kids , you know with them falling down stairs and things like that .
13 See at I can just let her go and play out on the park , or at anything , you know with the other kids , but round here you ca n't .
14 And we we go in car shopping and we always get our s shopping from , you know with it being cheap , and we go in her brother 's car , and so we do n't have to carry it back all the way from , but round here you see you 'd have to go out , you 'd have to take the kid with you , and your girlfriend , and then you 've got to come back with all the shopping and your kids as well .
15 I mean som you know I suppose they 've got to make a living some how you know with the money you get off social .
16 You know with the and when she does n't know where she 's going to get enough money to feed , clothe them and especially at a time like now , when all these adverts are on television for , you know the toys that children want , and they just have n't the ability to provide those those things for the children , much as they would want to do it .
17 er in Spain , because we reckoned it was only donkey that went in that went into the er burro as they call it , went into the went into the soup , you know with the beans and er er er various types of lentils and so on .
18 Cos I 'd lost about half a stone in weight , and I was cut down on chocolate biscuits , and I , what I 'd been doing I was was at my tea , at five o'clock , I was eating another at ten o'clock , I reckon I was overdoing it a bit you know with the I was trying to cut down a lot
19 You know with the idea that you sort of should look at your action plan and say ,
20 He sat on this mower you see and and er as it cut the sheafed it off you see and we 'd to make bands , y you know with pieces of s er And then the lifters put that on the bands and bound them and through the the site .
21 It 's more the stooks I 'm meaning , you know with the
22 I have been on , you know with
23 Well one of the variants that , that was applied , you see under the , under the old er er time workers ' er arrangements where it was only the foreman who by visual contact you know with the amount of items produced at each machine could make any reasonable assessment in regard to the individual 's effort .
24 Now orders came from the , and also we had orders for th , e the falling target in the you know , of a , a rifle range where you had to er put up the frames you know with a target on it and er we made a lot of these during the First World War .
25 the thing you know with the , the Italians .
26 And I 'm no good at tying laces so she got me a pair of Adidas you know with the velcro ,
27 Erm so really and truly i i you know with what we 'd got it was sort of carrying the business on in a very sort of low way and instead of going round collecting the work it was all done through the post .
28 you know with
29 You know with this new tax coming in and me on my own .
30 It well may be that erm you know with the help that er he can be referred to , they help him keep out of trouble again , for a lot longer .
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