Example sentences of "that [be] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 It is striking , however , that it is the richer developing countries , with a strong biomass base , that are utilising the technology and producing systems that are cheaper than those manufactured in the developed countries .
2 And by working closely with manufacturers , they help to design own-label products that are cheaper to transport , stock and sell than cut-price branded goods .
3 The exchange has roused the analyst to contributions that are firmer and more energy-consuming than those he generally vouchsafes : ‘ it 's not the past but what we make of the past that shapes our future and present . ’
4 now if I was to go there and back that 's eighty pence , I mean I could get , for , for that e extra eighty pence I could get a few things in there that are dearer but I mean I like going down the town anyway and just wander and go back but I do get a few more bits in there now than I did .
5 The men who tried to civilize these shaggy and uncouth marginalians by bringing them news of civilization have left a certain number of translations that are better reading today than are the works of the ignorant islanders who were too Proud to translate .
6 ‘ There are certain times that are better than others , ’ said Davis .
7 ‘ There are certain times that are better than others , ’ said Davis .
8 The IWC is not required to work for more humane killing methods , but it can do so by virtue of the fact that it can recommend particular catching methods that are better than others .
9 They are the best , they 're made in Smithfield , Smithfield market , and they 're the best ones yo I certainly have n't seen him come across any that are better .
10 Are there any aspects of the French administration you think are , that are better than the British approach ?
11 Selection is likely to penalize a cheater if cheating has subsequent adverse effects on his life that are greater than the benefits of not reciprocating .
12 of course you 're going to find one or two patients , but rar a relatively small group , who have flows that are greater than fifteen who have obstruction .
13 Can you see any pieces that are bigger than the quarter ?
14 There are people out there who 've got problems that are bigger than the average household can deal with and erm I think , therefore , we 're looking for more institutionalized forms of help and folks like this particular character — I almost said his name — almost need to be made to accept that kind of help .
15 Well , he understands that those Norwegian Lapps that are closer to the border than he is might not be so keen .
16 Some show no daily rhythms , others have a clock that runs faster than normal , with a ‘ daily ’ rhythm of 20 hours , and others show periods that are closer to 30 hours .
17 The EPA says it was obliged to approve the pueblo 's standards : " If an entity such as a state or a pueblo wishes to adopt standards that are stricter than national standards , we can not stop them . "
18 Vincent retorted that he did wish to be better than he was , and feared stagnation , but was ‘ even more afraid of remedies that are worse than the evil itself . ’
19 We support and accept the good sense of increasing sentences for offences that are worse than taking and driving away and of extending the deterrent of disqualification where personal injury and damage occurs , but it is quite another thing for someone to be guilty of additional offences that he does not commit , to which he is not a party and which he might not have foreseen as the likely consequences of his taking and driving away .
20 Try instead to eat foods that are higher on roughage ; fresh fruit , wholemeal bread or rolls , celery , or carrots are all important sources of roughage .
21 Morita et al have reported toxic effects of sodium butyrate above 2 mM in a colon cancer cell line and it may be that previous studies have used concentrations of butyrate that are higher than optimal .
22 Capital requirements that are higher than necessary will almost certainly reduce the number of participants .
23 The leading companies of the 1990s will be those that are quicker to respond and that innovate to retain competitive advantage .
24 However , I have resurrected my garter bar and use it constantly for various little tricks that are quicker and easier with this gadget than any other .
25 For a mid-layer , a woollen sweater has traditionally been the answer but nowadays a range of alternatives are available that are warmer , lighter and faster-drying .
26 Added to this , MPs and ministers have in a special degree the conviction that central government knows best and that any devolution from London must mean giving powers to authorities that are poorer , weaker , slower , perhaps corrupt , perhaps more reactionary ( for Labour members ) or perhaps more reckless with public funds ( for Conservative members ) .
27 The picture is rather different for women , due in part to longer female life expectancy but also because women tend to marry men that are older than themselves .
28 You can probably stay at places that are older than anything in Australia — older than Australia itself .
29 The few that are older may be either the result of Tudor or Stuart enclosure , or examples of monastic granges which have already been discussed .
30 You know , in some countries it is against the law to put into advertisements shots that are shorter than so many parts of a second .
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