Example sentences of "that [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You ca n't cycle that slowly up a hill can you ?
2 Home and childrearing commitments dictate the terms and conditions on which women can work so that overwhelmingly at present they are forced into the third leaf of the shamrock as low-paid semiskilled part-timers .
3 Conversely , desire bears the imprint of disgust : even as the low other becomes an object of longing , it is simultaneously that on to which is displaced a self-disgust that inheres at the centre of bourgeois desire , and for that matter other forms of desire .
4 You know roll that on to the plate which unfortunately may still have a film of turpentine on it from when I cleaned it .
5 Well , Chair , erm , most of my money is under the Resources Management sub-committee , erm , that has been very thoroughly examined , I think the Resources P A G have agreed with me , on the other P A G , and John has written that on to search for saving what I would say , over and above the call of duty .
6 You can erm by word of mouth recommendations it means that we , we have to spend less money on advertising , now that means that in the long run we can pass that on to the client like yourself
7 Er , you might just say well why do n't we pass that on to the clients , but we do n't .
8 W would you like to just , adding that on to what you 've already said , how you think this might be initiated .
9 Your Lordships are invited to construe that benevolently in the defendants ' favour as a claim to invoke the privilege against self-incrimination on the ground that the order called upon him to disclose material which might be used in furtherance of criminal proceedings against him .
10 So that mostly from A to Z .
11 but I , you see mm now see I 'm not , I 'm really not convinced by that at all , I because I mean it 's quite clear that right across Europe in nineteen thirty nine , nineteen forty , er there was a real sense of oh no , not again
12 It is true that right at the end , in October 1097 , when Anselm was on the point of leaving England , Eadmer reports him as saying to the Canterbury monks : ‘ I go willingly , trusting in God 's mercy that my journey will do something for the liberty of the Church in future times . ’
13 my Lord in a , in a sense that right at the very last page when they say a notified articles association , rules and regulations in there amended form no longer contain any clauses which constitute appreciable restrictions
14 Or was it just possible that right to the end he had believed that she would find out , and come to him ?
15 She only remembered that right from the beginning he took her with him , and it was she who was sent to the doors to ask politely if they had anything to sell .
16 Let him also take action against the Economic League , which prevents that right from being exercised by many people .
17 The plaintiffs claim that they suffered loss and damage as a result of the defendants breach of contract er my Lord erm essentially having completed on this purchase they then tried er to run the business financially and in accordance with the terms of the lease , erm but it 's all been the plaintiff 's evidence that right from the start erm he was well prepared that there was insufficient working capital and insufficient funds er to run this business properly and efficiently and indeed shortly after purchasing it advice was sought about er re-sale and er if your Lordship looks at page eighty eight of the pleadings bundle which twenty one the plaintiff 's case on page eighty eight , the top of the page my Lord .
18 It looks like wheat , except that right in the middle of this prairie is a group of small hills rising unexpectedly out of the flat plain .
19 The second disadvantage of punishment is that rather like potent drugs , it leads to unwanted side-effects .
20 Well I suppose you know once you 've got a machine that effectively like a big dot r dot matrix I would 've you could er you could do it with with something like a , a desk top printer er
21 But I knew that somewhere down the line there would be some formal identification or an inquest where , with my luck , I 'd run across Billy 's mum and the cat would be out of the bag , to coin a very sick phrase .
22 Oh , I 've no doubt that somewhere down the line these things are are built it , but what I 'm saying is that the majority of dealers these days are including it within the package and saying look this vehicle comes with it completely because there is such erm a demand for this erm type of insurance .
23 He guessed that somewhere aboard the survey vessel a meeting was in progress to determine whether or not the quarantine regulations were to be obeyed , and whether that adherence meant that he ought to be abandoned .
24 And I would suggest sir that somewhere between the lower end of the figures cooked on my left here and the County Council 's figures .
25 I feel that somewhere over my head is hanging some kind of spirituality .
26 I feel that somewhere over my head is hanging some kind of spirituality-ometer , and that I have been found wanting .
27 ‘ Good to hear that somewhere at least the killing of an American matters . ’
28 I had n't bothered with landing lights and I was n't sure , any longer , where I was I only knew I had to keep climbing and that somewhere at the top was relief and safety .
29 Rostov kicked hard , aware that somewhere above him was the pod .
30 One suspects that somewhere along the line of the story 's forming there has been some attempt to draw a veil over the proceedings , and to protect the reputation particularly of the great Moses .
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