Example sentences of "that [pron] must " in BNC.

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1 Victor Mature , who has given so much pleasure in his day that nothing must be said against him , is , however , not wholly convincing sitting in a cell wearing a leather mini-skirt , reading Pythagoras .
2 In the , when we dealt with the matter of children and communion , we based the whole case upon the doctrine that nothing must be allowed to stand in the way of the grace of God being available for all and sundry .
3 She reminded herself that nothing must be touched or disturbed .
4 She was so arrogant , so sure that nothing must interfere with her comfort , that she would n't have listened . ’
5 In 1666 a law was passed that everyone must be buried in wool .
6 The demand for equality and social justice — that everyone must be the same — derives from what was originally envy .
7 As she slept in her Italian-designed tube steel bed with the iron-grey duvet , she felt sure that Steve in the room across the corridor must know who was in there with her , and as she went to work next day , she felt sure that everyone must see what she was dragging with her .
8 But now I see , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , that I must alter the emphasis of the first part .
9 Now I see , he wrote , that I must abandon it as I have abandoned everything else .
10 As soon as he entered my room that night , he declared provocatively that I must be rich to have such a bed and quilt , as well as cassettes and a television and a video .
11 I am afraid that I must say frankly that I do not think I can open the columns of the Q.R. — at any rate , at present — to any one associated publicly with such a publication as Blast .
12 One point that I must be very careful about .
13 Luckily , the rain had stopped and I spent a few minutes baling out , thinking once again that I must do something about drainage , but never seem to get round to it as the weather clears up and everything dries out very quickly .
14 I 've also adopted the philosophy that I must develop somebody to do my job better than I have done it .
15 Perhaps I knew already what the answer would be — that I must cut myself free from him .
16 ( Yet some instinct told me that I must be careful to give her no cause for having a grievance .
17 It seems to me now that I must have been more than a little simple , because I received a telephone call from the home the very next day .
18 Now , was it Margery Fish or Vita Sackville-West whose rhapsodies persuaded me that I must have this lime-green foamy-flowered plant with the scalloped leaves edged with silver hairs , in which captured raindrops gleamed like opals , at absolutely any price ?
19 But this time his confidence seemed so genuine , so unevasive , that I must admit I felt my throat tighten .
20 Many girls were saying to me , ‘ I ca n't cope with having breasts , the hassle it brings , the fear of rape or the jokes and remarks from boys , the idea that I must be a slag or a ‘ goer ’ , so rather than try to deal with the whole world ( which I ca n't ) , I 'll just turn all my anger inwards against myself , against the thing I can control : my body . ’
21 But this is one of the experiences that taught me very early in my career that I must do the opposite .
22 But they always said that I must bring my own orchestra .
23 ‘ The only thing they did n't say was that I must be pregnant because we were buying a house . ’
24 ‘ The only thing they did n't say was that I must be pregnant because we were buying a house , ’ Kylie joked .
25 He added that I must not be intimidated by his and Rozanov 's fluency ; I was really quite good .
26 All I know , like the protestors when the Julian became the Gregorian calendar , is that I must have missed something .
27 After hearing such wonderful expressiveness coupled with such disastrous sound , my instinctive reaction was that I must acquire an absolutely foolproof technique .
28 Wharton said : ‘ It is something that I must overcome , I had trained for 12 rounds and was thinking of the crowd instead of doing the job I was in the ring to do . ’
29 This was not an area I was likely to visit but , nevertheless , my poor mother , hearing the report on the wireless , was sure that I must be among the casualties !
30 As Leslie was the only officer in the missing plane ( ironically the transport aircraft was a Stirling — the same name as his birthplace ) , I decided that I must take the lead among the families .
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