Example sentences of "not with a " in BNC.

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1 She looked across at the film star , not with a great deal of pity .
2 Not with a big enough wage , that was the problem .
3 Not with a bang but a whimper .
4 On occasion he tried to recruit the Pope into his efforts , and the Americans in general could never understand why the Pope-like Ayatollah ( ’ His Holiness the Imam ’ ) could not with a snap of his fingers , get the hostages released .
5 Slowly , trying to ration the pain into manageable portions , I slid my hand out again , and then after a while , hardly believing it , I bent my arm and felt round my back and came to the rod there also , and faced the grim certainty that someone had shot me not with a bullet but an arrow .
6 Certainly not with a broken left arm and measles , as was the case with Gertrude .
7 But they argue that factors such as regional variations , better Tory organisation in marginal constituencies and the ‘ incumbency ’ factor where sitting MPs are defending seats , could result in the Conservatives ending up as the largest party , if not with a narrow overall majority .
8 ‘ The brave man had killed the thing he loved , ’ if not with a sword , at least with a razor .
9 He is conscious of Marjorie 's watery blue eyes scanning him speculatively over the rim of her teacup , inviting further discussion of Sandra , but he ca n't face it , not this morning , not with a day 's work ahead of him .
10 In a two page epilogue the author merely states that nowadays students begin not with a description of chemicals and reactions but by learning Schrödinger 's equation and the shapes of orbitals .
11 The same idea can be used with contingency tables , but the effects are usually derived by making comparisons not with a typical value such as the grand median but with one of the categories that has been chosen as the base for comparison .
12 Secondly , the two lines do track very closely together , but not with a twelve month lag as one might expect ; the two curves are almost superimposed .
13 I could n't compete , not with a machine , for God 's sake . ’
14 The history of the Kilwinning papingo shoot is much longer and more interesting , The Ancient Society of Kilwinning Archers was formed in 1483 and is still in existence , although not with a continuous history .
15 for example , if you were sacked you can be prepared , not with a feeble-sounding excuse , ‘ The office manager and I did n't hit it off , he was a very difficult man ’ , but with a positive statement , ‘ Yes , the job did n't suit me and I was asked to leave but I was lucky enough to get a place on a word-processing course so I was much better prepared for my next job and I stayed for two years ’ .
16 Not with a useless shoe that she , each step , was walking out of .
17 If you can not resolve the matter amicably , I suggest you contact the local council — not with a view to making a direct complaint , but just to establish what the regulations are concerning open fires .
18 It 's round , but it has a clarity to it that you might associate with a Telecaster and not with a Les Paul . ’
19 It seemed fitting for Thatcherism to end , not with a bang , but with the protracted whimper of a ‘ hung ’ parliament ; with the Tories struggling on for days trying to patch up some squalid deal with the Ulster Unionists , before Neil Kinnock and Paddy Ashdown were driven to 10 Downing Street in their Daimlers .
20 Nonetheless , it was Major 's readiness to use this language ( which , interestingly , Mrs Thatcher , in her effluvial megalomania , regards as Marxist ) that allowed people to vote Conservative , albeit not with a clear conscience .
21 Why not with a gun , a knife or a rope ?
22 This is possible with packages like JBA 's Business 400 , and to some extent with Omicron 's Powersystems ( see panel on p 68 ) but not with a ‘ multicurrency ’ system with a general ledger that operates only in sterling ; Tetra 2000 for example .
23 She was hungry , not with a need for food but with a desire for tastes .
24 Not with a passenger . ’
25 Whatever he thought he was doing here , it does n't look like an assignation , not with a woman anyway .
26 Not when we 're moving to a democracy , not with a multi-party system .
27 These officials differed from their predecessors as tax- and rent-collectors , the vicarii and viscounts , in that they were rewarded , not with a beneficium , but with a cut from the profits .
28 In trying to meet his responsibility to govern , a president must deal not with a select group of leaders but with a multiplicity of party and committee leaders .
29 Not with a view to conciliating those readers who on principle object to sequels , but as a matter of fact , the Author wishes to say that he does not so regard this book .
30 The prohibitions in the CSA 1985 are rendered ineffective where the defendant can show that , notwithstanding the fact that he fulfilled all the conditions mentioned in ss.1 and 2 CSA 1985 , the dominant purpose of his trade was not with a view to making a profit or avoiding a loss for either himself or another person .
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