Example sentences of "not in this " in BNC.

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1 Most African sculpture is not in this category , as characteristically the masks and ritual objects of Africa are more evidently human or animal in appearance .
2 For human building ( art ) and the processes of germination ( nature ) are not in this vision opposed , as alternatives we must choose between .
3 Probably not in this essay as such , but in that area of Pound 's conversation of which this essay is a distillation , we find the reason — so I believe — why Yeats said admiringly of Landor in 1917 : ‘ He had in his Imaginary Conver - sations reminded us , as it were , that the Venus de Milo is a stone . ’
4 Why not in this aspect also ?
5 Certainly not in this situation , not in the middle of the Bocage .
6 With those consequences I am not in this lecture concerned .
7 I 'm not in this for my health . ’
8 Not in this weather , but thank you for the thought , my dear one .
9 But Judge Wroath told the jury yesterday : ‘ I am satisfied the prosecution have not in this case produced evidence and as a matter of law have not proved the case to the requirements of the Act . ’
10 It was argued above that it is unacceptable to claim that the mandatory penalty for murder supplies the raison d'être for the qualified defence of provocation : the label ‘ murder ’ should be reserved for the most heinous of killings , and there is a widely held belief that provoked killings are not in this group .
11 But that was not possible , not in this place , and not with his resources .
12 This can find expression in ‘ I must get him to make a will before he dies ’ — a basic desire to get things sorted out — and may extend to attempts to resolve family quarrels , an anxiety that the sun should not in this case go down fur ever on wrath .
13 Hand-on-heart declarations that rugby is an amateur game and that players have freedom to play when they choose , do not in this competitive , rewarding age , ring true .
14 Variety is all very well , but not in this case .
15 God alone can guarantee that the moral desires of humanity are satisfied — for instance , by providing a life after death in which happiness can be proportioned to virtue , as it patently is not in this life .
16 But not in this case .
17 You could n't keep a thing like that hidden for very long , not in this damn town .
18 Now comes a suggestion that the city also had control over land use outside its environs , not in this case in the Maya area , but in wetlands near the modern port of Veracruz , west of the Yucatan Peninsula .
19 It is as though perfection , clearly possible in other contexts , is not in this case desirable .
20 Rab looked at her glass , wine red as blood , for they did not in this place sell gin and tonic .
21 Not in this house .
22 Not in this place . ’
23 It was not in this case a call to work in a particular area of the community , but rather it was a call to intimacy .
24 Mrs Burke 's daughter , Mrs Doreen Leverton , 63 , said : ‘ You always expect a parent to die sometime but not in this way .
25 Not in this airless back yard with its cat-fouled alley , yet now it bore shining green leaves and four fat flower buds — and Gerry would never see them .
26 Not in this old world , ’ Elsie would say , beginning a sigh that ended in a cough and lighting another cigarette .
27 Robert Converse who was not in this heat reported he could not pull the usual manifold pressure he uses when racing .
28 His parents lived there once — and generations before them — on this patch of land , if not in this particular accommodation .
29 ‘ Easy , Englishman , you can not be an island , not in this place .
30 Not in this case . ’
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