Example sentences of "not in [det] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of another much-studied variable , ( r ) , we find in England ( but not in many parts of the United States ) that absence of post-vocalic [ r ] is characteristic of high-status speech and is moreover categorical except in some ( mainly ) western areas .
2 it is hoped that he will be able to play in the Tests , if not in many of the other matches .
3 Everybody knows the French Pub , or at least they say they know it if you prompt them with ‘ you know , the one in Dean Street ’ , though it 's not in many of the guide books .
4 For these parts of the country the evidence on earnings would seem to justify Adam Smith 's observation of 1776 : " the high price of provisions during these ten years past has not in many parts of the kingdom been accompanied with any sensible rise in the money price of labour " .
5 Not in much pain , sir , I hope ? ’
6 Mr Budgen was generous in his admiration for Mr Powell — ‘ You are the great don of parliamentary debate ’ — but not in much else .
7 ‘ I 'm not in much of a position to negotiate , ’ Eve said .
8 ‘ You 're not in much of a state to remember anything right now , are you , sweetie ? ’
9 I see some of these big photo-ops , the Berlin Wall , revolution in Prague — I did n't think would come out , but I 'll talk about it — I just see that it 's a manipulation of the press ; photographers all know to stay in one spot so we 're not in each other 's shot .
10 But we 're not in each other 's pockets the whole time .
11 The sex had drifted away after a while , and Jay did n't mind ; not in that end-of-the-world Astrid way .
12 The lights came up and we were not in that magic world beyond the screen but back in the familiar tawdry surroundings of Sneinton , Notts .
13 Oh dear — not in that order ! ’
14 ‘ Liam Shakespeare 's not in that house in London , ’ she said at last , in a small , level voice .
15 ‘ Gazzer 's not in that pill-box , ’ she said .
16 The genealogical trigger determining the numbers involved , the extensiveness of the quarrel , is thus the branching of the tree through brotherhood : by tracing the extent of obligation to two brothers ( rather than to their father ) each disputant secures the maximum of supporters who owe him loyalty and who do not in that particular instance owe loyalty to the other side .
17 And , rightly or wrongly , we Welsh find ourselves completely absolved — in the eyes of the people , if not in that of officialdom .
18 I really do n't , not in that sense .
19 And then , six weeks after the funeral , he had suddenly found himself able to believe that it had n't happened , not in that way , and that the whole horror was a childhood fantasy .
20 Fortunately , she is not in that position today .
21 ‘ Well , the funny thing is that I do n't know really what it 's like because I 'm not in that little room any more .
22 A sales representative , for example , is not in that position as he meets large numbers of people for a short time .
23 ‘ Anders is not in that category but he has other things to offer .
24 It is true that my mother was not in that state , but she too had lost the will to live ; and she too was denied the balm of curtailment .
25 Well , not in that way .
26 Well , he felt nothing , not in that way , and he doubted if he ever would again .
27 ‘ He 's not one of their ilk , not in that way ; he 's respectable , an' there are respectable ones . ’
28 Obviously they had seen Carnelian before in this sanctum , though not in that eerie , invasive guise .
29 And certainly not in that hussy 's cast-offs ! ’
30 The reason why you say yes and no is that everybody wishes Christmas is the ideal and perfect and everybody gets together but there are so many people who are not in that position , and therefore , it emphasizes those who are not .
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