Example sentences of "he [vb -s] got " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Any'ow my Billy ai n't got much , an' what 'e 'as got 'e 's keepin' it fer 'imself . ’
2 'E 's got 'is feet under a good table , ’ his father often chuckled .
3 'E 's got a good look on — it must be a bit o' good land . ’
4 Still , it showed 'e 's got 'is good points , an' that I do n't 'ave to clip 'is ear every day . ’
5 ‘ Well , there 's just Mr Foster , 'e 's got the other two rooms on this landin' .
6 Still I 'm pleased 'e 's got that lighterman 's job .
7 'E 's livin' somewhere orf the Tower Bridge Road an' 'e 's got 'imself anuvver 'orse-an'-cart . ’
8 'E 's got four lorries in there now an' I did 'ear 'e was lookin' fer anuvver place .
9 'E 's got 'imself in a bit o' trouble , ’ she said in a whisper .
10 Mind you — - " she jerked her head in the direction of the Russell , which had recently returned from Plymouth and lay at anchor in the Pool , " 'E 's got a lot to answer for .
11 ‘ Well , ’ continued Gloria between swallows of coffee , ‘ the lady what polishes the cars for him has got a sister what does cleaning at Stowbridge Tech . ’
12 The reader is both astonished and utterly convinced , as he is later on in the interview when Porfiry plays the dangerous game of saying he has got no real proof , he 's going on hunch and ‘ psychology ’ — so Raskolnikov had better confess .
13 He has got off lightly : we learn with mildly comic surprise of mitigating circumstances : he had been good to a consumptive fellow student , and he had saved two children from a blazing house , getting burnt himself while doing so .
14 Sometimes he is just a secondary figure floating in the novel 's bloodstream , as at the fête where he has got roped in with a few other young men to be a marshal and make sure everything goes smoothly .
15 Surely if he has got it you ought to encourage it …
16 She said : ‘ He has got away with less than two years in prison .
17 It seems that Watkins 's energies have gone into making sure he has got the details right at the expense of analysis .
18 Roosevelt sent a note to Ambassador Winant two days later saying : ‘ please take the following message personally to Winston and convince him that he has got to come through .
19 He has got through a dozen of them over the years and generations of cricketers have passed by .
20 Peter Monroe , president of the RTC 's supervisory board , said in a recent interview that he has got ‘ a pretty clear message from Congress ’ that he is not running a social service .
21 He can not forbid the Common Law Courts to try an action ; but he can forbid a man to bring it , or to go on with it , or to take advantage of the judgement which he has got , and can put him in prison if he does not obey .
22 — And even if he has got his sights set on Bella 's money , I 'll fix that .
23 God remains committed to the world he has got .
24 He has got this mannerism when he gets excited .
25 That is saying something and , indeed , there are those closer to him who suggest that he really believes he has got the ball ‘ on a piece of string ’ at the moment , but hardly dares to say so in case it tempts fate .
26 He has got to , he has got to , ’ confirmed the seer .
27 ‘ He has got to , he has got to , ’ confirmed the seer .
28 It was a very special goal , and he has got a special talent . ’
29 Taylor might have been wildly and dangerously wrong , of course , but on the whole he has got where he is ( he is now Lord Chief Justice ) by getting things exactly right .
30 He has got a tan from his Christmas holiday .
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