Example sentences of "he [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I 'll cut him up small and fry him for the kids ' breakfast .
2 If you 've got some new material on him that you want to share with us , I 'm more than happy to arrange another lecture for you later in the term , but frankly , as you 've apparently given the same lecture on him for the past ten years , I can hardly be accused of interfering with academic freedom , can I ? ’
3 A manuscript of poems was assembled by him for the Professor to view ; the intention being ( and Dudek was very well experienced in this sort of work ) for him to take the matter over and see it through to publication .
4 Also ask him for the telephone number of the Home Service Adviser for your area , in case you need further advice .
5 He commends him for the wit and wisdom of things he has n't said .
6 Mr Kinnock staggers under the additional handicap of having no ministerial experience which would equip him for the supreme office to which he aspires .
7 In 1979 Serjeant 's former employer Richard Sheppard recommended him for the post of Surveyor to the Royal Academy .
8 When that news hits him , the narrator seems to crumble , even though a premonitory dream the night before has readied him for the shock .
9 Relations between the Prime Minister and Nigel Lawson may still be strained ( she blames him for the present difficulties ) .
10 Smith had Picnic 's full co-operation when winning last week 's leading showjumper of the year title at Wembley , making a timely impression on the selectors who have chosen him for the British team .
11 I am certainly going to miss him , I have only really known him for the past seven days , but it seems like years .
12 The quarrel between faith and unbelief touched him for the first time and unsettled his mind .
13 He pushed his bicycle up the hill from Wheatley station in the company of another new student who had a strangely similar background : of nonconformist origins , with his father an official of a nonconformist Church ; a young man who postponed his own confirmation into the Church of England because his parents might be hurt ; and who swung at the university from his very Protestant background into a sense of the devotional stature in Anglo-Catholicism , and into convictions which never left him for the rest of his life ; a graduate of Balliol College , by name Austin Farrer .
14 This became a strong reason to him for the practice of private confession .
15 Hoskyns badly wanted him for the post .
16 He told the rector at Boston that this was a person of unusual spiritual powers ; that how to train him for the whole Church was a responsibility ; that he was anxious that these abilities should not be confined to academic spheres .
17 It would give the American parent group a chance to examine his potential at close quarters and at the same time he would be able to undergo some training to prepare him for the more elevated positions he was destined to occupy in future .
18 Her voice was abrupt and she did n't thank him for the offer .
19 At 0810 he gathered his staff around him for the daily conference to discuss the day ahead , before taking the morning parade of those attending various courses at the school , to ensure that everyone had turned up for work .
20 The letter is interesting , though , for the light it casts on his rooted dread of mental imbalance , and on his horrified feeling that the unsatisfactory relations which had existed between himself and his father since eariy adolescence might somehow mar him for the rest of his life : You and I are both qualified for it [ neurosis ] because we were both afraid of our fathers as children .
21 His great-uncle took Charles under his wing and prepared him for the job ahead .
22 Vincent looked at him , as if seeing him for the first time .
23 Before they left , Gallardo shook Valenzuela 's hand and thanked him for the cigarettes he had given him in captivity .
24 The world champion may not be worried about the £500 fine handed out for throwing the last game of his bizarre straight-games loss to Jahangir Khan in the final of last month 's Stuttgart Open , but he should be more concerned at the zero computer points assigned him for the Stuttgart tournament , which may enable Jahangir to overtake him in the New Year rankings , plus the fact that any further misdemeanour will probably mean draconian punishment .
25 A girl from one of the other teams — for all of us had assembled by now — asked him for the time and briefly discussed the weather with him and when , after about 15 minutes , he struck off purposefully around a nearby playing field , he had a tail of 14 people — the entire membership of all four spy teams — determined not to lose their quarry .
26 Khrushchev could never forgive him for the cruelties and stupidities that brought Russia so close to defeat by Hitler .
27 The example of Dad Uzzell was before him for the rest of his life .
28 He will have debtors : his bank is a debtor to him for the amount standing to his credit ; his investments of money are claims to receive payment from the State or from corporations or individuals .
29 Two of his greatest performances came in 1979 , with 5 for 38 in the World Cup final and 6 for 29 in the Gillette final for Somerset , although both times Richards pipped him for the match award .
30 She turned to look into Gazzer 's face , concentrating her attention on him for the first time since he had climbed up to sit beside her in the sand dunes .
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