Example sentences of "he [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What did 'e get , son ? ’ 'e says with 'is dying breath .
2 The mother motioned him to go with a shake of her head .
3 It was at Mroueh 's clinic that Waite met a group of Hezbollah members who asked him to go with them in November .
4 She gestured for him to go with an indifferent wave of her hand .
5 She 'd slipped her arm through his , urging him to go with her , a gleam of possession in her eyes .
6 I , it , I , twice two years on trot I 've booked for him to go with me , and he wo n't go , he cancels it every time .
7 ‘ Of course , ’ she replied smilingly , and did n't need him to wait with her by the lift or to see her safely inside .
8 Omar Arteh Ghaleb , who had been Prime Minister of Somalia 's interim government since February , resigned on Aug. 20 ; Radio Mogadishu reported , however , that President Mahdi , who had been sworn in himself on Aug. 18 [ see p. 38323 ] , had asked him to continue with his responsibilities until a successor was appointed .
9 After that , D'Arcy called Dave Forbes in London to put him briefly in the picture and to tell him to liaise with the ship and cargo insurers at Lloyd 's .
10 But Thomson was soon back in favour again , receiving instructions on the management of the impending war with Spain in the Caribbean from the Protector , who told him to liaise with the fleet commanders ( 1654 ) , and joining an enlarged trade committee ( 1655 ) .
11 To see him fumbling with our rich and delicate language is to experience all the horror of seeing a Sèvres vase in the hands of a chimpanzee .
12 He say because you let him stay with you , that do n't make you whore .
13 Encourage him to socialize with family and friends .
14 His younger days saw him helping with cubs and scouts and he 's is so popular that already residents and storekeepers from the villages have started a fund to help him'
15 I realize that I am standing just as Summerchild stood that other night , when I saw him gazing with such intensity into his own life .
16 Scott prepared a plan showing the relationship between the Foreign Office and the India Office which he sent to the Office of Works , who then on 17th January , 1859 instructed him to proceed with detailed drawings and prepare an approximate estimate of the cost of the new Foreign Office .
17 Eight days later , Scott received an official letter approving the design of the India Office and instructing him to proceed with the working drawings .
18 She dismissed him to silence with a wave of a narrow , fleshless arm .
19 The words were enough to make him explode with anger , and , turning swiftly to grip her shoulders , he shook her with force , glaring down into her face .
20 Viewers saw him explode with fury at militiamen who tried to stand in the way of aid convoys , and shake with emotion at the tragic plight of victims of ethnic cleansing .
21 The Senator took his elder son by the elbow and , still talking , motioned him to stroll with him along the deck .
22 Last week , chairman Lord Alexander bit the bullet : Frost became deputy chairman , freeing him to cope with the re-opened Department of Trade and Industry probe .
23 A major reason for a manager to understand something about statistics ( and to overcome his fear of numbers ) is to enable him to cope with other managers who use this method of proving a point or presenting a case .
24 The problem this poses for the educationalist is formidable because , as well as designing curricula that will help the surveyor cope with future changes , he has also to provide the basis of a training experience to enable him to cope with contemporary practice .
25 Recognising that man can not escape , it leaves him to cope with the paradox and frustration , content to walk by faith , not by sight , believing that one day all things will become new and be reconciled in Christ .
26 Everything was too messy for him to cope with . ’
27 He needs therapy and some rehabilitation to enable him to cope with the constant uncertainty of his life and the violent frustration his condition causes him .
28 That 's right and we , Brian had the club slides which he very kindly handed over to us when he , he , he felt it became difficult for him to cope with it erm cos his dad 's not well .
29 And certain things are going to happen in his body to help him to cope with that situation .
30 If the local standing of bishops could often overflow into effective influence at the court of the emperor or the king and give him influence with them and their officials , the bishop was primarily a leader of the local community : the Christian people of the town and the surrounding countryside .
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