Example sentences of "for not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Did you have any particular reason for not mentioning Elise 's death ? ’
2 ‘ Yes , ’ she agreed , though while she felt it would not be right for her to question him about his employer , she could see no reason — since he must be aware of the contents of Ven Gajdusek 's desk diary — for not mentioning , ‘ I came here specifically to interview Mr Gajdusek last Friday , but — ’
3 But there seemed to be no valid reason for not devoting one 's whole life to religion .
4 ‘ Our son is at school near here so that 's another reason for not moving to Manchester .
5 At the annual meeting of the Confederation of Indian Industry in April , L.K. Advani , a BJP bigwig who is the prime minister presumptive should the party come to power , gave a speech in which he flayed Mr Rao 's government for not moving fast enough on economic reform .
6 In recent months the City 's leading institutions have taken it in turns to come under fire : for regulatory failure , for losing money , for not moving with the times , or for lack of leadership .
7 ( During the election campaign the opposition had criticized Iliescu and the government for not moving speedily enough towards genuine political and economic reform . )
8 Fitzgerald ( 1977 , p. 38 ) criticised the traditional left for not seizing the opportunity of incorporating the prison population as part of the working-class struggle : ‘ The left , particularly in Britain , has been reluctant to move beyond its traditional insistent focus on the building of the working-class movement and embrace the struggles of minority groups such as prisoners , mental patients , gay liberation . ’
9 In Mayer 's fine words : ‘ I hope we shall no longer hear Mr Coleman reflected upon for not accomplishing impossibilities .
10 The only reason for not beginning your diary straight away is if the next seven to ten days covers a really unusual time , for example your annual holiday , or a bout of sickness , or Christmas and New Year .
11 Despite my anger and despair at what had happened to Brian , killing myself now would n't make amends for not helping him .
12 He also criticizes the people for not helping the tramp .
13 Secondly , embarrassment may be a reason for not reporting a crime ; victims may want to hide an offence rather than report it .
14 There had been an aura of menace about the boy even at that age , and Tom had often pondered his real reason for not reporting the incident to the police .
15 Conrad was accordingly taken to task for not reporting to Rome and was ( wrongly ) reproved for taking part in the assembly .
16 Who can blame a liberated woman for not settling for slavery ?
17 Senior members of the ruling Liberal Democratic party have started to criticise ministries for not taking American complaints seriously .
18 Philip was mad at himself for not taking the cutters off the boy .
19 SHe 'd been charting possible escape routes for a while now , the main reason for not taking advantage of them being a certain concurrence with Jahsaxa 's opinion that blackouts could occur on the street .
20 However , Dr Clarke adds that the secretary of one defence body ‘ did qualify this by stating that doctors may be questioned very closely about their reasons for not taking a patient 's temperature and , taken with other factors , this may swing a decision for disciplinary proceedings against the doctor ’ .
21 Fulham were ordered to pay the overdue sum , amounting to £20 4s 5d , plus three guineas expenses , and Leeds were reprimanded for not taking money at the gates .
22 Fred Workman gave me a free hand , bless him , and through my Radio Column , feature stories and editorials we blasted the CRBC , the federal Members of Parliament as well as the M.L.A. 's , and also included the local Mayor and Councillors for not taking preventative action to preserve our pioneering radio station long before .
23 All in all , this is a valuable stage which researchers who do not accept criticism very easily will probably wish to avoid , but if they do consciously and deliberately avoid it , they have only themselves to blame for not taking advantage of a most useful and quite inexpensive step in schedule preparation .
24 Did Eve hate the Westwards who were so rich for not taking her into the big house ?
25 MAL REILLY , the Great Britain and England rugby league coach , believes next week 's Anglo-Welsh clash at Swansea will give the home players a chance to prove he was wrong for not taking them to Australia in the summer .
26 She was at fault for not taking a hand in the business before now , she could have helped him , been her father 's right hand .
27 She dismisses hormonal explanations of sex differences because they relate poorly to behaviour , and criticizes cross-cultural studies ' attempts to establish the universality of sex differences for not taking full account of cultural variety .
28 Yet this , too , is often seen not as a value but as an additional reason for not taking the genre seriously .
29 He felt a sharp twinge of guilt now for not taking the trouble to visit , but William 's family had moved to a better neighbourhood when William 's mum had made her first million , and Preston had gradually lost touch .
30 He should be told that the specimen of breath which he has given containing the lower proportion of alcohol exceeds the statutory limit but does not exceed 50 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath ; that in these circumstances he is entitled to claim to have this specimen replaced by a specimen of blood or urine if he wishes ; but that , if he does so , it will be for the constable to decide whether the replacement specimen is to be of blood or urine and that if the constable requires a specimen of blood it will be taken by a doctor unless the doctor considers that there are medical reasons for not taking blood , when urine may be given instead .
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