Example sentences of "for these [conj] " in BNC.

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1 They were so enthusiastic for these that its pupils regularly walked off with all the trophies on sports days .
2 Experience may help you take some of these into account but if you went for a fixed fee you may have to pitch it at such a level to allow for these that it 's perhaps twice what it might be and you could lose the client .
3 The technique of X-ray fluorescence ( XRF ) ( see glossary ) is often used for these because of its non-destructive capabilities ( fig. 5.6 ) .
4 No names for these as yet , they 're all Chinese .
5 All along its sides the railway is flanked by grass verges and small scrubby bushes which make it an ideal habitat for wild flowers and birds so keep looking for these as you walk along .
6 On the same physical ( or pseudo ) device as the Process Directory , LIFESPAN also keeps its working directories , so you need to be sure you have sufficient space on the chosen disk for these as well as the database .
7 Red and green say on the bench and bench covers called bankers have been made for these as well they would be covered as well .
8 In all this he found time to address meetings for these and many other bodies , hold weekly classes for teaching the youth of his synagogue post-biblical history and related subjects , write articles for the Jewish press ( he founded an Anglo Jewish Journal called The Jewish Times later to be absorbed into the Canadian Jewish Chronicle ) .
9 Standard specifications have been agreed for some products like hamburgers and meat pies , for example , and the NAAFI have the task of sourcing supplies for these and for all other items such as fruit and vegetables .
10 In ways such as this one has to be careful in using coin evidence , but , allowing for these and similar qualifications , it can still be extremely useful .
11 Substantial payments were made out of the Forest revenues for these and other purposes relating to the maintenance and upkeep of the castle .
12 We had pressed hard for these and the Inspector eventually agreed to a series at four different venues .
13 In general , sample cassettes are available for all video titles , and I suggest that you contact Penny Naylor to place an order for these and for publicity leaflets too .
14 In the later Republic and early Empire Greek artists were brought to Rome to design buildings appropriate for the display of booty , to repair old sculptures and make new ones for these and other structures , and to restore decaying old temples , once venerated for their wooden and terracotta statues , but now seen to be in need of renovation .
15 People in the cities will pay high prices for these and this covers the cost of transport .
16 There had , in 1814 , been six convictions at the Quarter Sessions for these and other offences , such as deer stalking and assaults on keepers .
17 ( For these and other examples see Duncan and Goodwin ( 1988 , pp. 76–89 ) . )
18 For these and many other reasons it is necessary to understand the evolution and behaviour of social insects in both a pure and applied context .
19 For these and other linguistic and cultural reasons it is relatively easy for the speaker of one Bantu language to learn another and develop a high level of competence in it .
20 For these and other reasons , it can not be taken as axiomatic that the most extreme threats are the most effective .
21 For these and many other reasons the practice of ergonomics in developing countries is different from that in advanced countries ( p. 155 ) .
22 For these and other achievements Morgan has indeed some claim to be considered ‘ the founding father of kinship studies ’ , as Meyer Fortes has pointed out .
23 For these and other misdemeanours the ancestors are apt to inflict crushingly punitive illnesses and misfortunes .
24 Grainger will miss the Scarborough and Gillingham clashes , while McDonough will be unavailable for these and the games at Crewe and at home to Scunthorpe .
25 For these and other reasons , the empirical evidence on the demand for money does not provide conclusive evidence in support of the extreme versions of either of the two theories .
26 For these and other reasons , there may be a recognition lag before the fiscal and monetary authorities consider activating their policy instruments to cope with what is perceived as a change in circumstances .
27 For these and other reasons , forecasts of future trends in such complex human behaviours as drug-taking are necessarily conditional and tentative .
28 Verse 34 brings us back to the source of authority for these and all the laws in Leviticus .
29 He will require preparation of his bowel for these and will therefore need explanation of the preparation as well as the procedures .
30 And so , for these and other reasons , the planned town has always been the exception in England , and derives most of its special interest from that fact .
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