Example sentences of "for their child " in BNC.

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1 They talked of their husbands ' preoccupation with work , of their normal children 's too-early maturing , of integrated and special schools , and of eating — the hoped-for miracle diet for their child or , often , the consolation they found in food .
2 In a number of cases there has been recourse to the courts by parents anxious to secure appropriate provision for their child in the face of local authority opposition .
3 Ex parte CM was one of several important cases in this field , and demonstrates the determination of some parents to secure appropriate provision for their child .
4 In a variation of this theme , some parents argue that it is ‘ therapeutic ’ for their child to express aggression towards them because they are bound to frustrate the child at times .
5 But she was doing it for their child , and in order to make sure that Angel was happy she needed the Reverend Morey .
6 Of particular importance today , it was agreed , was what the Church 's attitude should be to non Mass-going parents seeking baptism for their child .
7 Some parents have inappropriate expectations for their child 's level of development and may just require some help in understanding and acknowledging what their child is able to do and how appropriate this is for their age .
8 Some parents with HIV choose to make arrangements for their child to be adopted and they and their children have the opportunity of selecting and getting to know the adoptive parents .
9 A late identification of visual handicap calls for information and advice to be readily available and sympathetically discussed with parents who are often expected to come to a decision about their child 's educational placement while they are still trying to come to terms with the implications of a medical prognosis for their child that may be depressing .
10 For example , parents who did not show proper ‘ bonding ’ with their children , had trouble accounting for their child 's condition or behaviour , and who appeared ‘ hostile ’ and ‘ uncooperative ’ , increased social work suspicion .
11 birth parents unable/unwilling to care for their child ;
12 Many relinquishing mothers ( little work has been done on fathers ) do not appear to be reconciled to the adoption — 62 per cent of birth parents ' referrals to the PAC concerned a search for their child .
13 94% felt mothers would be more aware of the need for correctly shoes for their child .
14 We therefore ask the assembly today to authorize the panel to prepare a leaflet explaining the church 's position to parents who are not communicant members and who are not willing to become such but who neverth s still which baptism for their child .
15 And therefore the requirement is simply for a parent asking for baptism for their child to have been baptised .
16 We , as a society , could learn from that , and , if we regarded the birth of every disabled child as a precious gift and were prepared to provide the necessary resources to the children and their parents to allow these gifts to develop , then perhaps we would be spared the distressing sight of individual and groups of parents pursuing the latest fashionable cure for their child 's blindness , deafness or other disability at whatever cost to themselves , their families and friends .
17 By deciding in late 1987 to take my daughter to Budapest 's Peto Institute for a spell of conductive education I ‘ contributed to the distressing sight of individual and groups of parents pursuing the latest fashionable cure for their child 's … disability ’ — ; in her case , cerebral palsy .
18 This pattern has been changing ; there is a tendency now for girls to keep their babies , and over the last year or so girls have been sent there for a variety of other reasons , but essentially so that they can be assessed on their ability to care for their child .
19 The reply by the minister was a direct echo of Mary Carpenter : ‘ The principle behind this provision in the bill is that parents should be required — if their means so permit — to pay for their child 's board and lodging , so that they are in no way better off as a result of the child 's being in care . ’
20 The results , publishes in Child Development , showed that mothers of the facially deformed babies provided less stimulation for their child than mothers of normal children , and were less involved with them .
21 Schools typically require parents to provide a note of explanation for their child 's absence or ask parents to make contact with the school in some other way .
22 Jenny inherited a substantial sum from the estate of an aunt and used the funds to buy a second car and to establish a trust account for their child .
23 It is important to understand that parents do not lose the parental responsibility they have for their child when a care order is made although they may not be entirely free to exercise it as they wish .
24 So it 'll be left to parents to consider whether or not the screaming knife is a potential emotional dangers for their child .
25 I am lonely yes , but my loneliness is the price I pay in order that the people of the World may look ahead to peace and freedom and to a decent standard of living for their children . ’
26 However on Saturday mornings there was a film show , run by the Americans for their children , which the local children could also attend .
27 What young mothers suffer from more than almost anything else is having constant responsibility for their children .
28 Their main pleasure seemed to be in the beautiful garments they made for each other and for their children .
29 As for their children , they would not be allowed to live in Britain for any length of time , and while they were here they would be prevented from attending school .
30 Firstly Muslims ( like Christians and unlike Hindus ) have set prayers which should be said during the day , so that Christian prayers can be regarded as a threat or at least an alternative to Islam , and secondly , while Hindu and Sikh parents often regard Christian prayers for their children as so much water off a duck 's back , Muslims , again like Christians or religious Jews , object to any other religious influence on their children .
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