Example sentences of "for this [conj] " in BNC.

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61 This time tomorrow it would be all over , and part of history ; the victors would be celebrating , the losers complaining that had it not been for this and that , they would have won , and the course of history would have been different .
62 The construction and development industry is best known for this and there were notable scandals in the 1970s which linked architects ( such as John Poulson ) , who were highly dependent on local authority orders , to key local politicians ( such as T. Dan Smith ) , who had some influence over their allocation .
63 What could be the grounds for this and their success ?
64 If the cat sees a shed nearby , or some other hiding place , it will make for this and then stay concealed , alone , waiting for the threat to pass , for the pain to ease .
65 Is there a name for this and is there any possibility of a cure ?
66 For this and other known and yet to be investigated reasons , it is obviously a good plan to boost daily fibre intake — for health and slimming benefit — from a variety of cereal , fruit and vegetable sources , and this is what you do on the F-Plan .
67 In an attempt to compensate for this and to represent what I can only assume is a minority interest for your readership , my entry consists of a substantial majority of jazzers .
68 Spectra or Dyneema lines are slippery and very difficult to knot permanently , so the fishing technique of ‘ sleeving ’ has been adapted for this and each of the similar materials .
69 There is a danger here in that some of the material contained in a past report may be outdated , so look out for this and revise where necessary .
70 There were a lot of arguments for this and a lot against .
71 The small party of Norwegians with each commando Troop acted as interpreters for this and other intelligence , leading to the Gestapo chief — a fat man in a dark suit — squealing his protest at capture within a quarter of an hour of the landing .
72 Embalming would not have allowed for this and , had the person not been dead prior to the beginning of the operation , he certainly would be once it was all over .
73 You are utterly prepared for this and utterly ignorant .
74 I assume a lot of people will laugh at Morrissey for this and the Glastonbury thing will be dragged up again .
75 The funding for this and the downtown programme comes from the fiftieth anniversary campaign , launched in 1988 by the museum 's board of trustees .
76 There are a number of reasons for this and Malina is aware of how such phenomena as poverty , crowded home conditions and poor diet can affect physical performances .
77 We only have Burton 's spoken word for this and the obliging older woman is untraceable .
78 The schools were blamed for this and new courses — such as TVEI ( Technical and Vocational Educational Initiative ) and CPVE ( Certificate of Pre-Vocational Education ) — were introduced into schools themselves as well as into the gap between school and work .
79 ‘ THIS is an ideas battle … not every one of these things can be distilled into politics — you know , who 's for this and who 's for that , and if this person is for this , somebody else has to be for that .
80 For this and other reasons , more recent approaches , even those favourably disposed to the idea of criminal inheritance , have tended to reject the twin method as unsound and to rely instead on adoption studies ( Ellis , 1982 ) .
81 USL must wait for OSF/DCE 1.0.3 for this and is hoping to have something out at the end of 1993 or the beginning of 1994 .
82 Traffic conditions may be unexpectedly heavy at times and for this and other reasons outside of our control , journey times may be longer and arrival times delayed .
83 It was another — particularly if you were supposedly seeking industrial peace with a full recognition of the crucial position of coal — to pursue an exchange-rate policy which would be certain to make as difficult as possible the transition period for this and other traditional export trades .
84 Cedric and Dorothy had seemed a centre , even an essential one ; so many well-known people had been in and out with their politics , books , causes , marches for this and that , demonstrations .
85 Later he was sorry for this and taught himself to read hymns and easy accompaniments .
86 For this and the previous three reasons , it is not difficult to conclude , at least tentatively , that more inclination is satisfied by indeterminist than by determinist claims .
87 The dominance of the agro-export business and the patterns of land ownership are primarily to blame for this and for the abandonment of traditional , more ecologically sound , forms of cultivation and pest control .
88 For this and other reasons we recommend that most of the fibre is obtained from vegetables , salad , and fruit , which does not have this effect , and that you do not simply spoon on dollops of bran in order to increase fibre intake .
89 Petite , vivacious , full of common sense and bubbling over with ideas for this and that : for life in England , Yorkshire , Flaxthorpe .
90 Interest in this language grew during this period for this and other reasons as never before , making its official acceptance as the language of deaf people and its use in education cornerstones in the BDA 's diverse activities in modern times .
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