Example sentences of "not even been " in BNC.

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1 And on one occasion at least the deputies themselves had to pronounce on a crucial compromise resolution whose text had not even been distributed .
2 Planning had failed ; perhaps , compared with the French Monnet Plan or the ‘ reform bureaucracy ’ of Scandinavia , it had not even been tried .
3 But the charities say plans have not even been drawn up to develop the homes and that housing associations have refused to start work on projects until they are promised funding for running costs .
4 It was beyond possibility that he could be recognized as a policeman , yet he had not even been given a coquettish smile .
5 There are plenty of ‘ success stories ’ where governments have not intervened , or where it has not even been acknowledged that farmers and pastoralists have quietly got on with the business of conservation for themselves , and frequently provided sustainable surpluses for the market as well .
6 Hillingdon 's thesis was that ‘ unexpressed needs ’ , though felt , had not been seen in terms of a library solution , whilst in the case of ‘ unactivated need ’ the library stimulated demand for needs which had not even been felt .
7 I have not even been able to describe all the various tackle items now available for carp fishing .
8 Not only did my mother regularly quote them , but on joining my public school for my very first term , the house I was in was actually punished for slack behaviour the previous term — when I had not even been at the school !
9 They entered for all parts of the competition , and their designs for the Foreign Office and the War Department were both placed seventh on the assessors ' lists , but Burn did not put them so highly , and in the end both designs were rejected by the judges , and their block plan , which had not even been seen by the assessors and presumably never tested against the conditions , was awarded third prize .
10 In economic terms they seem to have had little effect : in Merseyside , for instance , which has had every new scheme , economic decline has not even been halted , let alone reversed .
11 Her cancer , which had not even been mentioned during the hypnosis session , rapidly regressed and after a few weeks even all radiological evidence of it had disappeared .
12 The charge has not even been proved but it left him 12 per cent behind Paul Tsongas in the New Hampshire primary .
13 It 's not even been mentioned between us .
14 These standards have not been approved , and indeed , parts of the specification have not even been written .
15 Journalists who telephoned the divisional police were told bluntly that the men had not even been interviewed at the time the army spokesman had made his statement .
16 But people in this group , often unemployed or single parents on low incomes , had not even been trying to get most forms of credit because of their own feeling that their personal circumstances would rule them out as applicants .
17 He had come here on a misunderstanding ; believing that Wavebreaker had been at Murder Cay when in fact we had not even been within sight of that mysterious island .
18 ‘ You 've not even been tempted by it ? ’
19 Fury returned as he thought how he had been cheated of glory by a treacherous piece of turf , when it had not even been his turn to lead !
20 It 's not even been mentioned !
21 When , and how it will make its relational database technology compliant with OMG specifications , has not even been discussed , the firm says .
22 They had also made their social entrance at a time when television — so often blamed as another demoralising force — was only a minority pursuit in Britain , with no more than two million viewing licences in 1953 ; and when the commercial TV channel , which was most commonly alleged to be lowering standards , had not even been created .
23 For travelling people , their separate culture , their lack of access to education and training has not even been considered , not to mention the high levels of overt racism from settled people .
24 Vokins , branded indelibly as one of the servants , had not even been considered for an invitation .
25 He had not even been at the party .
26 She had not even been in the country long enough to register with a doctor .
27 The satin was perfect , had not even been removed from its muslin wrappers .
28 He acknowledged now that the majority of people , the great brown mass of the fieldworkers , had not even been noticed by the visionary pharaoh he had followed with such devotion , let alone been affected by his thinking .
29 The great Felipe had not even been around and the servants had ignored the fact that the inglésa was calmly walking towards the great gates .
30 On the one hand , the sterility of machine culture and the terrible isolation often felt by people even in overcrowded cities ; on the other hand , a taking for granted of many basic rights and freedoms which in your day have not even been thought
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