Example sentences of "not know be " in BNC.

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1 Thus the only relevant facts he does not know are what period the judiciary have recommended as the tariff , and what further comments the judges have made which will affect the Secretary of State 's decision on the tariff .
2 That there is something he does not know is shown by the fact that if he were to gain his sight , he would come to know something that he previously had not known .
3 What we can not know is how deeply they felt the break-up of their communal life and the removal of the prestige attached to the greater foundations .
4 What we do not know is who came to power in Northumbria during Ceolwulf 's temporary deposition nor whether there was any connection between the controversies surrounding Wilfrid and those now involving Acca .
5 What we do not know is how it squares those beliefs with its later beliefs in market forces , the EC and industrial efficiency .
6 What we do not know is how far these were typical , but it is worth remembering that the letters of both the Pastons and the Stonors are largely concerned with family concerns rather than national politics .
7 What she did not know was that Moran , with his good looks and military fame , had once been king of these barn dances and now that he had neither youth nor fame would not take a lesser place .
8 What they did not know was Kylie 's principles now prevented her from even touching them .
9 What she could not know was that by refusing to deal with the Protestant threat until the crown matrimonial had been obtained , she would throw away the strongest card in her anti-Protestant hand before having a chance to play it .
10 What they did not know was that their legendary luck was about to run out .
11 What I did not know was that English soccer was televised in Algeria .
12 What they did not know was that in ten years time , that beautiful picture was to be blighted by Britain 's first commercial nuclear power station .
13 What startled spectator did not know was that a chiropractor on the Olympic Staff had given him a spinal adjustment immediately after the accident .
14 What they did not know was that the examination of the diamonds had finished before midnight to the complete satisfaction of Zack and his accomplices .
15 What Arrhenius did not know was that there is a large amount of X-radiation washing about in space , and to this his hypothetical spores would certainly have been vulnerable .
16 You may find a stream , a cave , a factory , a prison you did not know was there but which insists upon itself as a landmark .
17 But what the rest of the candidates did not know was that Pilger had already earmarked someone for the job — the man who had gatecrashed the capitalization-day party — Keith Sutton of the Wapping Post .
18 Empson 's criticism never looked merely talented , and it hit something you did not know was there .
19 What the ‘ teacher ’ volunteer did not know was that the whole experiment was a set-up and that the ‘ learner ’ was in fact a co-worker of Milgram 's .
20 What she did not know was that Freddie had two children by his other woman .
21 What he did not know was that the Government , by the next day , would be anxious to retreat from the formula , and that the miners ' executive , having dispersed itself from London , would give them all day in which to do so .
22 What he did not know was that Chemical had run into massive internal problems .
23 These things he barely understood , and lacking anybody to talk to , it was at lunchtime sitting before an eagle whose name he did not know was Minch that he began to see his way towards them .
24 What that smarmy jock did not know was that a cousin of Proby , who is in insurance , had insured the grandstand disguised as a car — third party fire and theft .
25 What Mickey did not know was that Mrs Moon was so concerned about the loss of her pension book that she had offered £1,000,000 to anyone who found it !
26 The only one she did not know was Inspector Lane .
27 What I did not know was that Vivien Eliot was in the audience .
28 What she did not know was that it was not so much that the work was difficult , but that there was so very much of it , and all tiring .
29 And what she did not know was that she had even more lessons to learn — and that some of them might not be pleasant .
30 But what the man did not know was that Angel One had also encompassed a darker facet in his mastery of the martial arts , namely a knowledge of ninjutsu , the deadly art of the ancient Japanese assassins from the Clan of Death — the Ninja .
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