Example sentences of "not [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 Not altogether to his surprise , Edna seemed to have feelings very similar to his own about the matter .
2 With one of those insights which showed a mind much subtler than that of many of his contemporaries , he had drawn an analogy between logical positivism and surrealism ; but he told me on this occasion that he had once asked A.J. Ayer , as he then was , what political beliefs were compatible with logical positivism : to which the reply had been , not altogether to his surprise , that they would be decidedly left-wing .
3 I did submit what I had written , and , not altogether to my surprise , I received not long after a letter from Eliot beginning ‘ I am sorry to tell you … .
4 It was the accusation , or the selfaccusation , that Pound wrestled with in Hugh Selwyn Mauberley , and settled not wholly to his own or any one else 's satisfaction .
5 This may have held great promise in its early years but it soon became divided and then fragmented , due largely , if not wholly to the same age-old misconception whereby the basis of the religion is the assumption of the existence of a completely undefined ‘ god ’ , in this case the ancient ‘ god ’ of the Jews .
6 Bonuses are not wholly to be deplored .
7 It is important to understand that the ratio decidendi of a particular case is not wholly to be found in the case itself ; rather one must look to the way in which later courts interpret the case .
8 ' ’ But not on to the other ? ’
9 Despite the striving for the autonomy or consumption activities , resulting in an exaggerated separation from business interests , in some respects Bourdieu 's major source of analogy tends to fall back , not on to an economic , but perhaps on to an economistic model .
10 They are simple to install ; all that is required is that they be level from side to side , and with the lip of the lowest basin protruding sufficiently so that the water empties directly into the pool water and not on to the edging of the pool .
11 At the back of the fort they diverted the Jumna and laid in its place a main road so that the delicate Mughal pavilions look out , not on to the source of the Waters of Paradise , but on to Mahatma Gandhi Marg , the most noisy and polluted stretch of the Delhi Ring Road .
12 Rowbotham , meanwhile , had been sucked into the paper , but not on to the editorial board .
13 Some people , brought up in the expectation of forging a career and getting near the top if not right to the top in their profession , may be deeply committed to their work .
14 But they are not all to be interpreted literally : in some the imagery is conventional , in others the self-abasement is ironic .
15 Not entirely to my surprise , I discovered there had been a frenzy of activity in my absence , and number four hundred and fifteen had come and gone .
16 This last feature of the Nottinghamshire story , at least , is not entirely to be recommended — though it has , in fact , been widely repeated around the country .
17 After wearing out writers , the script was completed , not entirely to Brando 's satisfaction , but he told producer Aaron Rosenberg , ‘ If this is what you want , this is what you 'll get .
18 Although it was not entirely to his liking , politically it was preferable to a free trade area where Britain would play a leading role .
19 In the subsequent court case the Belgian was released on bail and not entirely to everyone 's surprise immediately fled the country , escaping the consequences of his criminal act .
20 He was shown my television script and took objection to some passages in that also Some amendments were made , not entirely to his satisfaction but certainly to the satisfaction of the BBC 's legal department , since the thumbs-up was then given for the production to go ahead .
21 He was more involved with the businesses and the actual mergers than Mr Milken ever was , but not necessarily to the good .
22 They should be taught to recognise that the attitudes and behaviour of a character or narrator are not necessarily to be identified with the attitudes or beliefs of the author .
23 They showed not only that for most elderly people the costs of community care were considerably lower than those of institutional care ( and that home care would therefore remain cost-effective for many even if service provision were greatly increased , when the alternative was admission to an institution ) , but also that community care was not necessarily cheaper , and that there were some elderly people for whom institutional care would be less expensive ( though not necessarily to be advocated solely on that account ) .
24 A fast stage-coach could now cover over a hundred miles in a single day , good roads and weather permitting , though comfort was not necessarily to be looked for and there was an outside chance of ending up with a foul-mouthed and drunken coachman for the length of the journey .
25 In short , if you crept up behind a chameleon and shouted ‘ boo ’ it would respond by changing colour but not necessarily to the colour of its surroundings .
26 In narratives as diverse as Jane Eyre and Great Expectations , we are aware , when reading , of a certain inevitability of outcome : the writer has us by the hand — in his or her hand , almost — and we know we will be led , not necessarily to a happy conclusion but that the narrative will be resolved at a place that feels safe and right , that leaves us satisfied .
27 These last two are obviously each related to the nervous system and to the brain but not necessarily to a particular part of the brain and taken together they overlap in such obscure ways that they are best regarded as sub-systems in different domains , one can talk in terms of one or the other but not both simultaneously .
28 In 1945 he announced Japan 's surrender on the radio : ‘ The war situation has developed not necessarily to our advantage . ’
29 To a typesetter , the closure in 1960 of the last Liberal daily , the News Chronicle , might simply mean he must take his typesetting skills elsewhere , and not necessarily to a newspaper .
30 All these questions relate to a captain 's last Test as captain , not necessarily to the last Test in which he played .
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