Example sentences of "he must go " in BNC.

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1 To Greece he must go !
2 And who , sitting in the stalls next to John Hinckley at a matinee of Taxi Driver , would have guessed that their neighbour 's conclusion from watching the film was that , in order to prove his love for Jodie Foster , he must go out and shoot Ronald Reagan ?
3 At the same time he must go on reassuring other parties — some of whom bloody-mindedly reject negotiation — that their views will be heard .
4 Under the old system A takes proceedings in the Common Law Courts to establish his rights ; B has no legal defence ; he must go to the Court of Chancery to get , among other things , an injunction to forbid A to go on .
5 He must go through with it .
6 Whenever Annunciata came to fetch the child she was firm : he must go at once or otherwise his mother would be displeased and might not allow him to come at all .
7 He must go and I must lose my husband and that is all there is to it .
8 The Pitman yard , which has done so well in this race — one winner , a second and two thirds since 1983 — believe he will adapt to the unique Aintree fences , and as long as he copes with the first few , they feel he must go close .
9 In order to persuade them , Richard Baxter felt he had to tell them of his concerns about the army and the reasons why he felt he must go .
10 He must go to the kinema again soon , he and April .
11 He tells me there 's no work for him in Amantani , certainly not for the whole year , and he must go to Puno .
12 He said he must go at once , Duart , for the honour of the clan . ’
13 A few minutes later he appeared and said he must go to her .
14 Ormrod J. purports to identify the essence of marriage as a ‘ relationship between man and woman' ; but to meet the problems implicit in this idea , he must go further and define it in terms of the capacity for ‘ natural heterosexual intercourse ’ .
15 The doctor then told Alexander that he must go on with the treatment .
16 William , who was already bored by court life in London and still found spoken English hard to follow , decided he must go to Ireland and take command in person .
17 He must go to ten . ’
18 Now he must go away and I dare say I shall never see him again , ’ Joan said woefully , lagging behind despite Anne 's grumbles and gazing down at the ring .
19 But she was adamant ; he must go .
20 After a pause for thought she told Dad that he must go and ask the Captain if he could let them have some cups and saucers and whatever else was available , even if they could not have the hall .
21 He made me a much better player and he must go down as one of Dalglish 's best signings . ’
22 Why he must go
23 The painter told Marama that if he wanted to live he must go to Rarotonga and receive treatment .
24 Balboa — as avaricious , arrogant and adventurous as any of his brother conquistadores — decided in an instant that he must go and see for himself .
25 Well , tomorrow he must go , she would tell Mr Grenfell first thing in the morning that he must make other arrangements and then he would be out of her life forever .
26 Marx maintained that the human consciousness which could project this refracted religious self-image must be a ‘ false consciousness ’ , profoundly alienated from itself ; that it had been brought into this state by the development of divisions within human society between the different social and economic classes ; that religion served in that situation as an ‘ ideology ’ , a system of beliefs functioning to support the established order , and an ‘ opium ’ which would keep the proletariat passive in the face of their oppression and exploitation by diverting their attention and hopes to another world and its promised rewards ; that it was not enough for the philosopher to understand and diagnose this situation , but that he must go on to change it ; and that this involved moving back from Feuerbach 's ‘ critique of heaven ’ to a fresh ‘ critique of earth ’ , of economics , politics and society in general , with the aim of changing the structures of the established order and overcoming the forces of division and alienation which both produced religion and drew support from it .
27 He must go into the villages , and see the natives at work in the gardens , on the beach , in the jungle …
28 But he must go on to explain the sorts of variations which have this effect on individuals ( or other subjects ) if he is to rely on counterfactual claims about the actions of subjects .
29 He must go away so I could too .
30 He must go before the magistrate now . ’
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