Example sentences of "he could not " in BNC.

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1 On the way back he pulled up on the side of the road and just said mum and him could n't live together any more . ’
2 But Walter Machin was just what we went for in those days : we were all daft about him could n't think o' anything else , from morn to night . ’
3 He saw that the intellectual side of him could not be wrong , somehow he must baptize it .
4 He tried to hit me , kept pummelling me with his podgy fists , but he could n't summon up the necessary enthusiasm .
5 But he could n't help .
6 He could n't resist adding : Helped to the grave by you .
7 ‘ They 're hardly making a secret of it , and after the exhibition they seem to have made , if Thomas is right , he could n't deny it . ’
8 He was bitter because he could n't inherit the glory they unwittingly advertised .
9 He could n't be part of their brotherhood but he wanted to be among them .
10 Rodney was not in the best of tempers because ( he kept saying ) he could n't see out of the rear window with that damned bicycle in the way .
11 Once in New York he could n't disappear into the city either .
12 ‘ Climber ’ editor Peter Evans decided he could n't be left out …
13 Like so much of the show , it gave a touching twist to the common run of things ; it was as if he could n't bear to see us go .
14 ‘ I read the letters between him and his brother and it became clear he could n't even buy petrol on the New Jersey turnpike without writing to the petrol company about being over-charged .
15 Since the politician is blamed for what is not his fault , he could n't survive unless he devised methods of blaming other people for what is his fault .
16 In his other hand a grenade with the pin removed so he could n't put it down to free himself from the handcuffs , and so from the chair , and so from the room .
17 He could n't actually tell me what was going on because that would put him in shtuck but he was trying to tip me the wink .
18 When we first started with him , even when we were rehearsing properly with him , all we could think of was that he could n't sing .
19 But as he could n't play it that well , he just could n't get his ideas across .
20 But he could n't resist the challenge .
21 There was a momentary hesitation while he considered the implications , but it was one of the many challenges he could n't let go .
22 Nathan had needed no special arrangements : when very well dressed he looks scruffy — I suppose it must be a gift ; it is certainly true that he could n't give it away — and today he was not very well dressed .
23 I told him he could n't push me around any more like a football from one job to another .
24 He could n't answer , but the second-in-command at the place appeared and said ‘ Mrs Desai , I have some work for you . ’
25 He found that he could n't go out with the lads anymore , and he felt he 'd lost his happy-go-lucky side .
26 Wexford was n't inclined to be sentimental over the Cullams but he could n't help being faintly touched that they who were poor in everything had been affluent , extravagant and imaginative in one respect .
27 Dominic , whose face was still coated with food , looked up trucently as he passed and Wexford said , because he could n't resist it :
28 He could n't understand why he did n't recall it himself .
29 He tried to think of a wife who had a larger car than her husband 's and he could n't think of one .
30 On the other hand , he could n't imagine anyone like this ever wanting a public ward .
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