Example sentences of "he said well " in BNC.

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1 And he said well it 's a different , you know different department .
2 Perhaps we , I mean , then British Section said to us on this erm and I 'd s , already said I think er by the time it got to this stage of conversation that we were without a prisoner at the moment , but , but awaiting one , and he said well , that would ex , that would explain it because er , until we initiate it , British Section initiates it you wo n't get another prisoner , they 're waiting for conformation from R E S
3 This one er what 's , what 's going on , he said well what I been called for
4 So after a week he takes away the bandage , removes the bit of radium , sure enough there 's a bright red radiation burn on his forearm but apart from that he feels fine , he does n't feel ill , he obviously has n't died , er so he said well I 'll leave that for a few weeks and monitor my , my health and see if there 's any long term affects from this exposure to , to radiation .
5 And he says , I says listen , young man , the locks I ai n't gon na put them in , and this is true , and he said well if you wo n't do that you 'll do nothing else at all .
6 He says an which he says you 've worked so hard , cos I worked for two casters which I should n't have done really , but that 's how I were used to working you see and er , he said er , I said well me dad keeps asking me to go and work for him , and he said well I 'll tell you what I 'll do with you , he says you 've worked so hard for us , this bloke came from Bloxford you know He says you 've worked so hard for us , he said we 'll agree to you going with your father , er for a month and see whether you like it , and if you do n't like it , come back and we 'll give you your job back .
7 But you see , I just went to the education officer and I say , he , he ran it , he , it , it was , it was his responsibility the Guild 's were and I went to him about a Guild matter and I said oh , erm how I mentioned that I was working and he said well where are you working ?
8 I said so I 've been to a local firm and he said well if you 'd wanted a job we could 've found you one , so I went to the Co-op and I went in the credit , working in the Co-op credit and er went from there to .
9 Oh yeah I mean you take now the erm , you could say nineteen twenty six bloke , I remember an old union bloke , he was on the railway and er , when they cleaned the fire out , cos he used to get all the out , and er these here firemen on cool it with a that 's when they first started to nationalize the docks and he said well , they er , he said waste that he said when nationalization come in , well there was a lot more wasted then after that .
10 you see and ther I su I suppose there was about ten or a dozen girls behind the counter because it was early and late turn for them because you see we were open , you see , until ten o'clock at night , you see , and er then , well , anyway , after that erm I heard about this job going as Assistant Manageress at Cambridge and er so I applied and the Manager said to me , I thought well I 'll be here ten years , erm I can be here until I 'm you know , donkeys years and er so he said well look you may not get a job because he said that another girl coming from Norwich to go to Cambridge to see the Manager as well as you and so you might not get it , she might get it , and , however , I went and er I , I met the Manager and the Manageress in the front office , the Manager 's office and we all had a chat but I did n't see the girl from Norwich , she must have gone some other day and anyway I got the job , you see , and er , and so I went to Cambridge as Assistant Manageress and I very well and I got to know all kinds of people , all nationalities being a university city .
11 Well , there was a porter there , called Len and he , he was eighteen and er of course you know well I I was as I said sixteen , so he was a bit older than me but he , whilst he was at Needham he said well when I 'm eighteen I 'll get my calling up papers .
12 Now , erm , the situation there was that my vicar came to see me and , erm , what happened was that we 've got three churches well luckily , one of them only has about twelve in it another has eighty and another sixty and he said well what did he do about Rushdie ?
13 He said well you 're very lucky he said by my estimation that 's worth four thousand pounds
14 He said well why are you reading that bit ?
15 you 've got ta think er think , it was like erm one of the guys was saying oh I 've got a real problem getting the names , I said well how do you ask and he said well look I 'm in the people business John but I do n't suppose you know anybody do you
16 you know , and he said well produce your witness I 've gone to hell .
17 And he said well I 'll produce a witness first .
18 I remember when he always used to read out during the service before the sermon the previous week 's collection and it used to consist of the collection last Sunday consisted of one pensioning note , twenty ha'penny half crown pieces , forty florins and he 'd go all through the coinage down to the last ha'penny but erm oh I believe he was , he was er very aristocratic , very aristocratic , but er Father , cos he used to come over our house quite a lot when my mother was on the parochial church council , and er he had a curate that was quite leftish and he got himself on the old Board of Guardians and of course he used to sort of er go into the Labour Club and was quite of er father , he said to old Father one night he said erm he 's a funny chap your curate he said well he , he 's the son of a farm labourer he says and I 'm the son of a country squire and that 's the difference .
19 I said no I do n't , he said well what I was anyway he said I 'm retired now .
20 And the night that it was over we met in our quarters , we poured a drink and we stood there and looked at each other and he said well , we made it .
21 No , and I had I er I had tried to appeal to him to be quiet , he said well I 've got to build this shed , I said well it do n't have to be during the night when other people are trying to sleep , he said well that 's up to them , and he started hammering again , while I was talking to him , and then I kept on and on and eventually , I think while I was talking to him I 'd kept him quiet while I was talking to him .
22 No , and I had I er I had tried to appeal to him to be quiet , he said well I 've got to build this shed , I said well it do n't have to be during the night when other people are trying to sleep , he said well that 's up to them , and he started hammering again , while I was talking to him , and then I kept on and on and eventually , I think while I was talking to him I 'd kept him quiet while I was talking to him .
23 He said well did she get the er widow 's loaf ?
24 Er and the only other point was , where was how much can you afford and he said well what 's the minimum ?
25 It then went into the City to set up their own self-regulatory and we in fact went to see Mr Redwood and he was quite he was very quite blunt about it , he said well , they considered it when they were sid considering the investors compensation scheme , but the sum involved in pensions are so great , that they could not afford to underwrite a pension er a compensation fund for pensions , so therefore there 's a pension fund for for private investment , but not a pension fund er compensation fund for , for occupation .
26 once a week to me and I ring him occasionally , and er his first remark which was quite erm natural he said well you know Ernest , he said I 've heard many ministers .
27 cos I said to him can you , can you cut me small ones he said well they 're from the rib of the beef he said and it depends on the size of the beef what size your
28 And he said well Wicks ' are cheaper he said we 'll go to Wicks ' then and I 'll measure up for it when I come over .
29 And he said well come on then we 're stuck halfway up on the kerb here .
30 He said well you 've got to stay to the end I mean , but do n't stay right to the end , you know sort of
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