Example sentences of "he has [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 He despises the human race and the combinations that make it tick ; the human race in its present state , he 'd qualify — he 'd like to send us all back to nursery school — so he has to behave as unlike his fellow beings as he can . ’
2 But he has to behave a little badly .
3 First he has to create a neutral police force .
4 He has to ask : was there any real alternative ?
5 For this he has to thank — or curse — Mr Glanville , a nineteenth century vicar of Sheviock .
6 Once again he has to thank him for a new book , this time Nineteen Eighty-Four ( 1949 ) ; but now he sounds cool .
7 In doing so he has to maximise the output from his land as he is subject not only to man-made economic vagaries but also to climatic variations beyond his control .
8 I would say that , if his life is such that he has to use a drug , the welfare is poor , even if at the moment of using the drug there is no unpleasant subjective feeling .
9 He 's told he has to use a bucket and spade to empty the Atlantic ocean in 24 hours .
10 Some days , when it 's damp , he has to use the stick inside , too , and I can hear him clacking about the uncarpeted rooms and corridors of the house ; a hollow noise , going from place to place .
11 ‘ Speaking generally , ’ Bray wrote in Boy Labour and Apprenticeship ( 1911 ) , ‘ the city-bred youth is growing up in a state of unrestrained liberty ’ , and describing how ‘ the habits of school and home are rapidly sloughed off in the new life of irresponsible freedom ’ he agreed that ‘ the large amount of money he has to spend on himself is by no means an unmixed benefit ’ .
12 He may be completely landless , or it may be that his plot is n't big enough and he has to spend part of his time , or part of his family has to spend part of their time , working for somebody else to get in some extra money or possibly renting land from somebody else .
13 How can they expect their leader to devote his energy to attacking the Tories when he has to spend time dealing with his own rancorous , ill-disciplined colleagues ?
14 He has to weigh up the possibility of a conviction for something , as opposed to the accused walking free .
15 Adams showed the authority and leadership you would expect from a defender who has won 17 caps at senior level but in World Cup terms the most significant performance came from Gascoigne , who cut out the asides and showed some of the tactical discipline he has to acquire if he is to make the most of his natural talent in international football .
16 Returning to the jungle he finds he has to kill Lowery who has been stung by a Varga .
17 However there are a number of important controlling factors : firstly , the subject fixates centrally ( usually he has to report a digit which is presented in order to confirm this central fixation ) ; secondly , the stimulus is exposed for less than 200 milliseconds to avoid eye movement ; thirdly , the visual angle of the stimuli from the fixation point should be between 2.5° and 5° ( otherwise , confounding effects occur ) .
18 Mr Thompson would have taken his class , but he has to deputise for Miss O'Neill who is ill .
19 He has to repeat the twice before I understand .
20 Yeah probably he has to scratch
21 that well , maybe the officer , the local beat officer has got a problem estate that he has to pinpoint and has to be there , or an area where the crime is being committed to try and deal with
22 To do that he has to consult historical sources — the original instruments existing in museums and contemporary drawings and paintings — and from them work out the construction and draw up a plan .
23 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what plans he has to consult local authorities on housing requirements for ex-service personnel .
24 He has to estimate brain size by making plaster casts of the insides of braincases .
25 Beyond that he has to rely on hand tools — planes , chisels , reamers , scrapers and the odd bicycle inner tube ( ‘ great for holding a psaltery in shape while working on the joints ’ ) .
26 The first thing you notice is that Egor has no weapons — he has to rely solely on his limited athletic ability to negotiate the many platforms and dodge the terrifying ‘ things ’ that patrol the six game areas .
27 Simon , whose medal in the individual event was Britain 's first for 84 years , is now so hard-up he has to rely on drinks from mates and his girlfriend .
28 He has to rely on three small robots , or drones , Huey , Dewey and Louie , whom he programs to help him .
29 He has to rely on his instruments .
30 ‘ What a pity he has to wear specs , ’ said Barry 's Mum .
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