Example sentences of "he has [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A woman police constable who reported him has since had to be transferred ‘ after being cold-shouldered ’ .
2 Well she 's already shown her true colours to him has n't she ?
3 you know what I mean , but the fact that I have been helping him has already conflicted and he has n't been in school a week , you know , and then eventually when they get those books out and he 'll say oh I know that one , that says Luke
4 Gratitude to him has always been greater in the Orthodox churches of the East than in the West , where his domination of the church has often not been regarded as an altogether unmitigated good , at least in its consequences .
5 Van den Berg built a prototype … which presumably worked , because neither hide nor hair of him has ever been seen since .
6 What raises Eliot above the entrapping circles of city and savage is what for him has continually to raise words towards the Word , something made available in partial revelations .
7 That prospective Tory candidate for Cheltenham John Taylor survived attempts to deselect him has much do with her efforts as local party chairman .
8 Clever western diplomacy could try to make him appear less heroic , by keeping the linkage vague , but then — unless he has belatedly realised the hopelessness of his position — he would see no benefit in it .
9 The fact that a person was aware of an exclusionary term or notice does not in itself mean that he has voluntarily accepted the risk ( s. 2(3) ) .
10 In particular circumstances a director may owe a duty directly to shareholders ; that duty will not derive from his status as a director but from particular responsibilities he has voluntarily taken on .
11 Maguire will surely be champion jockey in due course but appreciates what a long haul he has ahead of him this season .
12 The author states , quite correctly in the reviewer 's opinion , that the Southern Railway 's passenger ancillary vehicles had a character all of their own and he has meticulously chronicled their fleet .
13 He has lately recovered his childhood faith , ’ Everard explained , ‘ as I also did some years ago . ’
14 And while he has successfully offended the doctrinaire Protestants , he does not seem to have pleased the Pope .
15 He has successfully rescued a whole series of major houses , without a penny of historic buildings grants , by adapting them as self-contained houses and cottages .
16 Morrissey , formerly lead singer of the Smiths and now a solo artist , is the central figure in this demi-monde and he has successfully mounted a long career based on a delightfully British blend of prurience and prudery .
17 The reading of my Botanick Essays and the Experiments he has successfully made in pursuance of what I have advanced there has created in him an earnestness to correspond with me .
18 His dealings with the chief sources of Opera North 's subsidy , the Arts Council and Leeds City Council , are happy enough , and he has successfully scotched a dismal plan to merge with Scottish Opera , but he worries that Leeds lacks a ‘ coherent cultural policy ’ of the sort that Birmingham and Glasgow have committed themselves to .
19 He has successfully persuaded the crowd that justice has been done .
20 He has just broken one of his records deliberately and is on his knees picking up the pieces as he talks to himself .
21 He has just walked out into a spectacular summer storm .
22 Raskolnikov uses the blade of his axe on her , whereas he has just used the back of it on the older woman , crushing her skull .
23 If you are at all normal , you bypass the urge to throttle him , or to shake him by the head and shout : ‘ What 's that got to do with anything ? ’ , and find yourself nodding in agreement as if he has just proved something .
24 I respect them , especially so as he has just come from South Africa .
25 Moran knows a bit about markets : he has a personal fortune estimated at £150 million , and he has just announced that he intends to spend £25 million converting a remnant of medieval London into a sumptuous family home .
26 Len Snow , Boateng 's agent says : ‘ His principles have n't changed — he has just adapted them to the '90s . ’
27 He has just increased his majority from under 11,000 to over 16,000 .
28 He has just been appointed head of the private office of Jean Glavany , France 's Secretary of State for Technical Education .
29 He has just heard that Pringle 's is not reordering , and has phoned to inquire the reason .
30 He has just emerged from the studio after recording his third album ; there will be many musical surprises in store .
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