Example sentences of "he 's going " in BNC.

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1 Sense of excessive energy , no outlet , as though he 's going to burst into a million pieces if some inner pressure does n't abate .
2 He 's going to kill me , ’ I said , ‘ and I want to change sides . ’
3 The trouble is , he 's going to be tied up with all this now .
4 And my father 's said he 's going to help me with the fees , so it 's all going to work out . ’
5 It 's probably a phase he 's going through … ’
6 Hoddle 's got it … he 's going to try . ’
7 ‘ There 's only a few minutes left , they 'll never … wait wait , Steven has it , he 's come from nowhere and yes , he 's going for a shot ! … ’
8 ‘ I 've still got Jasper and he 's going to have a long and happy life , ’ she declared .
9 The reader is both astonished and utterly convinced , as he is later on in the interview when Porfiry plays the dangerous game of saying he has got no real proof , he 's going on hunch and ‘ psychology ’ — so Raskolnikov had better confess .
10 In some early drafts Raskolnikov commits suicide , and the striking thing here is that it 's never suggested he does so out of remorse or because he thinks he 's going to get caught or even from some vaguer , larger self-loathing .
11 This has no more to do with Christ and regenerative suffering than Dr Rutenspitz telling Mr Golyadkin that Licht will be provided for him where he 's going at the end of The Double .
12 He 's not going to warn Shatov or tell the police , he 's going to make a statement ‘ for general edification ’ — words but no deeds , a turn towards sanity and life that might have been , and a horrific-comic Possessed moment of subtlest art .
13 After a day of legal drama mixed with financial farce , he was last night ‘ working on two or three options ’ , according to an associate , ‘ before deciding which one he 's going to run with ’ .
14 If you go in their with no plan at all , he 's going to beat you . ’
15 Now he 's decided he 's not just going to act , he 's going to make programmes , too .
16 He 's going your way . ’
17 He 's going to try and get me into Combe Court .
18 I du n no what he 's going on about , so I just look at him .
19 He 's swaying a bit and I have to grab him cos I think he 's going to fall over .
20 He suggested we go and talk to him , so I said to David , ‘ Well , here 's this guy — I do n't know what he 's going to do , but let's go and see him . ’
21 He 's going up the ladder like a rocket , is n't he ?
22 He 's going to show me a bit of Scotland .
23 He 's going out of the wood , ’ said Philip .
24 He 's going to her place , ’ said Lee , unbuckling his belt .
25 He 's going to catch one . ’
26 ‘ My dear , he 's going to need you more than ever before . ’
27 As soon as the last order 's out , he 's going to close this dump , clear the site and sell the land .
28 What do you think he 's going to do to her ! ’
29 He 's going to drown if we do n't . ’
30 Any time now he 's going to ask me to go roller-skating .
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