Example sentences of "he is often " in BNC.

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1 The fact that some problem is seen in him is often contributory to his own problem , just as the other way round .
2 Matisse and all the others saw the twentieth century with their eyes but they saw the reality of the nineteenth century , Picasso was the only one in painting who saw the twentieth century with his eyes and saw its reality and consequently his struggle was terrifying , terrifying for himself and for the others , because he had nothing to help him , the past did not help him , nor the present , he had to do it all alone and , in spite of much strength he is often very weak , he consoled himself and allowed himself to be seduced by other things which led him more or less astray .
3 He may agree , and he is often the one who decides what issues will be dealt with and when .
4 He is often pictured as an outsider battling against entrenched orthodoxies .
5 He is often seen around Hollywood , driving his jeep or eating meals poolside at swanky hotels .
6 But his old friend ‘ the Professor ’ is obviously a scientist of note — and perhaps best of all , is fun and always using science to produce exciting things , even if he is often defeated by magic spells ( Fig. 3 ) .
7 Beatrix Potter 's Peter Rabbit is one of Japan 's most famous characters : he is often the first Englishman encountered by young readers , and the miniature quality of Potter 's stories and illustrations strikes some deep chord in the Japanese heart .
8 He and Leslie have regular lessons with Dorothy Willis , mainstay of Ginny Leng 's team at Ivyleaze , and he is often schooled over showjumps at the local Hartpury College where the facilities are excellent .
9 If the doctor desires to treat the patient , he is often in a strong position to persuade such a relative to concur .
10 He is often concerned with the structure of social relationships , the principles underlying organizations and the manifestation of social institutions in general as evidence at a particular time , rather than being concerned with the flow of events which attracts the historian .
11 In this species , harems of up to twelve females are usual and although the male remains the leader , watchdog and defender of the group , in clashes with his females he is often the loser .
12 He is often so busy that the less powerful males are able to disappear into a corner and copulate with his favourite females while his back is turned .
13 He is often a practical person .
14 As we have seen , he claims to have had glimpses only of absolute Truth and we have interpreted this to mean that he is often made aware of the need to live and act in accordance with certain ethical and religious principles and to travel in a certain spirit .
15 Most of the youngsters know him by name and he is often called to Hendon police station when they get into trouble with the law .
16 A man depends largely on the woman for the light in the family , as he is often not very good at finding meaning for himself …
17 He is often an engaging writer : he is blunt and sometimes disarmingly frank about his attitudes and dealings with others , but there is a stridency and arrogance that jars with the lush descriptions of his joy in the love of God .
18 On a European reading tour to flog his new collection of poems , Les Murray has demonstrated why he is often called Australia 's best poet .
19 ( He is often regarded as having anticipated elements of psycho-analysis in what he said on this . )
20 He is often lambasted for his failure to give the works he conducts structural cohesion ; I have never thought this was either a fair or a perceptive criticism .
21 He is often seen wandering around near the Marivent Palace at Illetas or dining in one of the stylish restaurants nearby .
22 When he does specify precise quantities or times he is often wrong .
23 He is often confused with another Duncan Campbell who writes about state secrecy and whose Inland Revenue demands he sometimes receives .
24 He is often hired to inform Fleet Street about client views or , less charitably , to dish the dirt on opponents .
25 He is often said to be fixing a ‘ tariff ’ period ; and there is no harm in using that expression provided that one realises that it is the Home Secretary 's tariff , not the judges ' tariff .
26 " I think he is often useful , in his way .
27 He is often perky until at least midnight .
28 He gets so excited on match days he is often up and about by noon .
29 Once the speculator has assembled and identified the land , he is often not over-anxious to draw attention to his activities and will therefore attempt to dispose of the site direct to the builder or developer without advertising or using an estate agent .
30 Although he is often characterized as retiring and eccentric , he entertained distinguished visitors in style , and studio staff were frequently welcomed to Old Place and treated with considerable generosity .
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